On the Way to Vladimir's Academy

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*A couple hours after Andrew had left the classification centre*

"Jackson people from the school are here, now i want you to know that after today your body will start acting as a little, you will shrink a bit and loose weight. You will also loose your bladder control" I just glare at her and shake my head.

"Come on" she holds her hand out to me and waits.
" I'm not holding your hand" i growl
"Fine but let's go we don't want to keep them waiting"
" You can't make me move"
" Fine, you leave me no choice"

Dr Crawford picked me up and i started to kick and fight her but she had a solid grip on me. We walked down the corridor and ended up in a room with two people and a lot of shelves covered with items you may need for a baby.

The people are like maybe 7 foot tall. One is a boy and one is a girl they both have green eyes and dark brown hair draining there perfect faces.

" You must be Jackson" said the boy, " I'm Ashton and this is my sister Zoe we are here to take you to your new school but first we must get you into more appropriate clothing."

In this time i hadn't realised that Dr Crawford has left the room and i was standing myself, 'Yes' i thought and bolted for the door to find that it is locked. Ashton approaches me and picks me up i kick around not liking this at all. He ends up putting me on the table and strapping me down.

Zoe is right beside me with a pile of clothes for her brother to change me into, Ashton starts to undress me and i kick my legs again but it does nothing he just holds my feet in his giant hands, stopping them from moving. I end up wearing a diaper and a onesie will little tricks on it, they also put small grey socks on my feet.

Ashton picks me up and starts to walk outside to a black car, when he opens the door there is a baby car seat in it.

"Noooo, you can't put me in that" i screamed beginning to cry.

" Shhh, baby boy there is nothing to be scared about, it's just a car seat to keep you safe in the back"

" Nooo" i sob trying to get away

" Shhh, Shhh, Shhh" Ashton says rocking me back and forth in his strong arms while Zoe is rubbing my back.

However i end up sitting in the seat a few minutes later with Ashton in the back with me and Zoe is driving. I'm still sobbing about being put in the carseat.

"Jackson, Shhh you're going to make yourself sick if you keep crying like that, calm down"

After my crying fit i was all worn out so i closed my eyes just to rest them but ended up falling asleep.

*Ashtons POV*

While Jackson was sleeping i decided to slip a pacifier into his mouth, he has quite a young headspace so he will need to get used to these things.

I was watching his and he seemed quite happy sucking on his little pacifier. I'm probably going to wake him up in an hour because otherwise he won't sleep tonight.

I talked to Zoe for a bit and we stopped to get petrol and switched so i was driving and she was sitting with Jackson.

*Jacksons POV*

I was starting to wake up and i could feel something in my mouth. I opened my eyes and looked at it and it was a stupid pacifier with a toy, i spat it out and glared at everyone in the car.

After a couple of minutes i started to get quite tired again and started to whine because for some reason i couldn't get back to sleep.

"Shhh, baby what's wrong"  Zoe asked

" Don't call me baby" i replied with, i was embarrassed that i had whined like a stupid baby.

I think i ended up falling asleep again because the next time i woke up we were parking at the Academy.

I think i ended up falling asleep again because the next time i woke up we were parking at the Academy

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The onesie he was wearing

The onesie he was wearing

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Socks he was wearing

Socks he was wearing

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His car seat

Finally his pacifier

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Finally his pacifier

Hey everyone sorry i haven't updated for a looooong time i have been very busy with school and extra activities, as i said in the last update i will write when i can.

Have a nice week

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