He Finally Cracked

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(Ashtons POV)

It's been a week now and Jackson hasn't been in Little Space once, i don't know why i just know that it was triggered by something that the boy said to him.

I'm getting worried now because it's starting to effect him, he's hardly eating, not sleeping and he doesn't talk to a lot of people anymore.

He rarely talks to me and Zoe but he is shutting us out and not accepting the help we are trying to give him. I just don't know what to do so I'm on my way to my mums office to see if she could help.


"Come in"

I walked in to the room getting the familiar Strawberry and Burnt Wood scent, i sat down on the couch and looked at my mother.

"Mom, i need your help with something. Jackson hasn't been in little space for a week and I'm starting to get worried, he doesn't sleep, eat and he rarely talks to us and i just don't know what to do. I need your help"

"Well i suggest that you just start babying him again, did that no work the first time. He is only suppressing his little side because he is scared of what people think of him, if you show him that no one will judge him,by babying him, maybe he will start accepting it again"

"Thanks mom, i really appreciate this. Thank you for helping me"

I walked back to my dorm determined to help Jackson become the Little boy again. I walked into the dorm and walked over to him.

"Jackie, i get that you are scared and i get that you don't want anyone to judge and bully you like that boy did but he doesn't know what he was talking about. You are a great little boy and i love you and so does Zoe we don't want to see you going through this hard time alone so come and talk to us. Bubba, we are here to help you"

I looked at him and i could see he was starting to crack, starting to let everything go but he wasn't letting himself.

"Bubba, you can tell me what's wrong you don't have to sit in silence about your feelings tell me and maybe i can make it better"

I looked into his eyes and he cracked, the flood gates opened and he came running over to me balling his eyes out reaching up to me.

"Oh baby, it's okay. Shhh shhh"

I hugged him and started to rub him back, he had his head stuffed into my chest and his arms were grasping the back of my t-shirt as hard as he could. I walked over to the couch and sat down rubbing small circles on his back.

"That's it baby, you don't need to cry anymore. Is it all just to much"

"Tu Mch daddy, nwo want to bwe a stpud baby"

"Your not a stupid baby, you are my very clever baby and i love you and Zoe loves you and Becky and Melissa like you to, you know they think you are so smart and clever and cute" i said starting to blow raspberries on his stomach.

"Daddy stop" he said giggling and wriggling around slightly.

"Okay baby, are you happy now?"

"Wes, ha pie daddy"

I chuckle slightly st his pronunciation and give him a big hug.

" I love you baby so much and so does mommy, anyway do you want to play with some toys and i will make Nuggies and Cheese."

(Chicken Nuggets and Mac & Cheese)

"Yeah Nuggies an Teese" he said happily.

"Me help ou"

"Sure baby"

We both walked into the Kitchen and we started making the Nuggies and Cheese. Once they were done i popped Jackson in his high chair and served him some food. Whilst we both ate Zoe had come walking in to the dorm and we sat and ate.

(Later on that night)

"Hey baby, me and daddy won't be able to come to second period with you tomorrow as we have to go and pick up a new person for the school but we will be back after"

"B..but i no wike Mrs Kesley she meanie and no wike me"

I looked at him and he was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry baby there is nothing we can do to help, I'm so sorry but right now i think it is time for someone to go to bed"

Jackson got picked up and they went to his room and he was put to bed scared of what could happen tomorrow during second period.

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