Meeting with Dr. Crawford

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I stood and walked to the hallway where i know her room is ( Jackson has been here before) but the receptionist stopped me and pointed me in the other direction.

'Weird I've been with her before, i guess she moved rooms then'  I was confused but went there anyway.

I ended up in-front of a room that had colourful letters and numbers on it and I knocked on the door.

"Come in" i heard from inside the room. I took a deep breath and opened the door, it looked like a normal doctors office.

I looked over to the desk and saw a young woman standing there.

"Hello I'm Dr. Crawford nice to meet you" she said kindly. I just glared at her wanting this to be finished quickly.

"Not much of a talker are ya" she said grabbing a needle, I just looked at the floor and mumbled a string of curse words before i felt a needle in my arm.

I freaked out

"Relax, your fine. After I finish injecting this into you you will fall asleep and not remember anything of this when you wake up." After she had finished talking i was out like a light.

(Dr. Crawford's POV)

After injecting him and checking over his files i got a result. He's a little, he is a special type though, he has Anthropophobia which means his is scared of people he isn't close with and has trouble speaking to them.

Not very many littles have this as it is very rare.

(Jackson's POV)

*When he wakes up*

When i wake up i feel bad, i have a pounding headache and a dry throat. I look around and am confused at where i am until it all came back to me.

I was at the doctors getting my classification test.

A lady walks in the room, a different lady then last time and started asking me a few questions.

"Hi I'm Dr. Crawford's assistant and I'm going to ask you a few questions then we can see your results on the test" she said to which i just nodded my head.

" What would you like your classification to be?"

" A Dom, I'm not a little"

"Ok next, Do you miss your mum and dad?"


" How long have you been taking care of yourself"

"5 years"

" Ok that's all i will go and get your results and then you can go home"

" Cool" i just stare at the wall when she walks out and not even a minute later Dr. Crawford walked in with an envelope in her hand.

"Hello again Jackson, here is your results" I take it out of her hand and rip it open. I unfold the letter and in big bold writing was the words.



There is no describing how shocked i was not only was i a little, i was a little with a phobia of speaking to people.

"So Jackson, because of you having the little age of 2 and a phobia of talking to people we will have to move you to a different school that is more suitable for you," Dr. Crawford speaks to me.

I get up and run out of the room, now what i didn't see coming was Andrew who picked me up and boring me back to the room.

"Thank you Mr Andrew, you may go and please inform your teachers about Jackson's situation, he will be staying here until someone from the school can come and get him."

"Goodbye dude" Andrew says and i just glare at him, he was in on this the whole time.

Hi everyone i am really sorry that it has taken me so long to update but i am going back to school and i have a lot of activities going on so i will update when i can.

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