Mrs Kesley doesnt like me

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Today is the day that mummy and daddy can't come with me to second period and that's all I've been able to think about. I didn't want to get up.

"Come on baby you need to get up"

"Nuuu, tiwed"

"Ohh baby, it's okay Mummy will get you all ready don't worry"

I walked to the bathroom and changed him making sure that he was all ready for the day and that he wasn't going to forget anything.

We went to breakfast and met up with Ashton ordering our usual breakfast and sitting at our normal table with all of our friends.

Jackson's POV

I do not want mummy and daddy to go away today, this means that i am left by myself and no one will be with me today, at least Becky will be there.

"Jackie, baby. You okay you zoned out" I looked up at daddy and nodded my head.

"Okay baby, don't worry about today me and mummy will be back as soon as possible."

"But w..what about M..Mrs Kesley, she don like meeee." I said about to cry

"Shhhh, it's okay" Mummy said as she picked me up, starting to walk to my first class to drop me off.

"Now Bubba you better behave yourself. I don't want to be getting a call saying that you have been naughty and need to get a punishment"

"Okay mummy i be good for you and daddy"

"That's my good boy" Mummy said as she kissed me on the cheek saying by and leaving. I walked into class and realised this is going to be harder then i thought.

***time skip to Mrs Kesley Class***

Jackson's POV

I was very very slowly walking to Mrs Kesleys Class, i don't want to go not today when Daddy can't come with me. I don't care if i am late, I DON'T want to go

I also very slowly opened the door being 5 minutes later than usual. I peeked my head around the corner and seen everyone staring at me.

I froze

I didn't know what to do, Mummy or Daddy wasn't here to help me and i was scared.

"Little Boy get in her now and sit down you have held up the lesson enough" Mrs Kesley said staring straight at me with a glare.

I made a sound that resembled a whimper and ran/ shuffled to my seat that was all the way across the room. Everyone is staring i kept repeating and i looked at the ground at where i was placing my feet.

I wanted to cry, i wanted to burst out in tears, i wanted to run out of the class and to my bed. I wanted some comfort. I wanted Mummy and Daddy.

I sat down in my seat and looked up through my lashes to see what Mrs Kesley was talking about. She had a sickly smile on her face and turned to me.

" Sooo, what is the answer to my question"

I froze for the second time in about two minutes, what question. I didn't hear her ask a question. I shook my head and stayed quiet. I was on the verge of a breakdown.

"SPEAK UP BOY, Your So weird can't even speak in front of a class. You are Pathetic. Can you spell that i bet you can't because your are also very dumb"

I was crying and shaking and pulling at my hair, i wanted it to stop, i wanted it all to go away i just wanted to cuddle with my stuffy and suck on my paci will sitting with mummy and daddy.

My tears had blurred my eyesight and there was a ringing in my ear. I was hyperventilating and i couldn't breath.

I hadn't noticed Mrs Kesley come over to me and clasp my forearm and she turned me towards her with force and slapped me. She then started dragging me to the corner.

"S'op S'op. Huwt Huwt." She kept dragging me and her nails were digging into my arm. I kept asking her to stop but she wouldn't. She shoved me down onto the stool.


I was crying now even harder then i was before and all i could thing about was the stinging in my cheek the throbbing in my arm and how mummy and daddy will be really disappointed in me, how they told me not to get in trouble and what do i do get in trouble.

Around about half an hour later there was a lot of noise in the classroom it was too noisy and i had to put my hands over my ears and squeeze my eyes tight shut, my crying had died down a bit but i still had hiccups and a sob left my mouth ever so often.

I tried to get up because i was tired and i wanted to sleep and i wanted to also play because i am bored, i wanted to go and play with Becky but i looked around the classroom to see she wasn't there.

Anyway i turned to my left to see a VERY angry Mrs Kesley stomping towards me she had a furious face on her and shoved me back onto the stool.

"Did i say you could get up" she said in a menacing whisper. I looked down and shook my head, i was so scared that i actually thing i peed myself a little bit.

She grabbed me by the ear and glared at me whilst dragging me in front of the whole class.

"Attention everyone, this is what happens when you are a very very naughty boy or girl."

She raised her hand a slapped me across the face again and chucked me on the floor just as the door opened and someone walked in and gasped.

Sorry guys that i haven't updated in a while i have been very busy with my extra activities that i am doing and just my general life but here is the chapter and just a reminder that i will update when i can. 😄

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