Finally a Little Boy

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(Jackson's POV)

I've woken up but i feel slightly different, i feel smaller and i don't like it.

I whined and stood up in my crib and was reaching for my pacifier that had fallen from my mouth out of the crib. I was wobbling a lot and couldn't find my footing and i could tell that i had an accident last night to.

I stood holding onto the crib bars with my finger tips because that's all i could reach and Ashton walked in.

" Hey baby, your awake early" he said and looked at me confused. But i just made grabby hands at my paci.

" Daddy, paci and uppies" i said to him but i realised what i just said and started to cry and back away into the corner of my crib.

" Ohh, baby it's okay, Shhh it's okay. I'm happy that you think of me as your daddy and you are accepting it" he smiled at me.

Daddy picked me up and rocks me back and forth giving me my pacifier in the process and walked out of my room to the living room where mummy was.

I whined and reached over to mummy doing grabby hands. She smiled at me and sat me in her lap.

" Hey baby how are you today"

" Good mummy, cuddles"

" Sure baby we can cuddle and watch a movie today but remember we have to go back to school tomorrow"

" Mhm, mummy come wiff mwe"

"Yes baby mummy and daddy will take turns and come with you to your class, don't worry"

"Now bubba what movie do you want to watch" daddy asked me

" C-Can we watch Twows pease"

" Of course baby"

We watched Trolls and it was a-lot of fun, Jackson sang along to all of the songs and even danced a little bit. We then decided to watch Scooby Doo but halfway through it was time for Jackson to go for a nap.

We pause the video and i stood up with Jackson in my hands.

" Baby time for a nap we can continue watching after"

"Nuu, no tiwed mummy no tiwed" i said squirming about to try and get out of mummy's grip.

" You are definitely tired come on"

Mummy went and put me in my crib but i just stood up as best i could and reached for her.

" Jackie lay down baby you need to go sleepy-byes" Mummy did just pick me up and wrapped me in a blanket gave me my paci and lay me down again. I was so nice and cozy warm that i had fallen asleep in seconds.

(Zoe's POV)

Jackson had round about a 2 hour nap but if i didn't get him up he wouldn't sleep tonight.

" Baby wakie wakie time" i said while rubbing his tummy and playing with his hair he did wake up and rubbed his eyes.

"No baby don't do that, that will hurt your eyes"

"Sowy mummy, we watch Find Newmo pease"

"Yes baby, but first you need to have milk-milk Daddy is making it for you"

He looked at me and game me grabby hands and i got the hint, i picked him up and we walked into the living room where Ashton was waiting to give Jackson his milk.

" Bubba come to daddy i will give you your milk-milk" Ashton said to him and lay Jackson on his elbow so he could drink his milk.

This time he took the bottle first time and wasn't reluctant and he was happily suckiling on his bottle. However when it finished he whined.

" Daddy mowe mowe" he said kicking his feet slightly

" No bubba that's it finished you can have more at bedtime we can watch Finding Nemo now though"

" Yay Find Newmo" Jackson said and sat up in Ashtons lap.

That's is pretty much how the afternoon and evening went they watched a bunch of movies then had dinner which was Mac and Cheese and went to bed.

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