First sight of being Little

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I opened the door and seen Jackson tied up in a cage and he had a gag in his mouth. As soon as he seen me he started crying and sobbing. I grabbed the key that was left dangling at the door and unlocked the cage.

" Hey Jackie, your ok, shhhh shhh I'm here know" i got him out the cage and got his hands untied and he instantly clung onto me and wouldn't let me go. I had to set him down though to untie his feet but that made him scream and cry more.

Jackson's POV

Mu- Zoe has picked me up and i clung to her i didn't want to let go. I wrapped my feet around her waist and my arms around her neck. We started to walk out and i hide my face from everyone outside that dorm. I was still crying though and it was shaking my whole body.

" Shhh,Shhh baby your fine. I think someone needs a diaper change though. I bet it was really scary."

" Mummy no leave me now"

" That's right baby, Mummy won't leave you know"

I whimpered and cried as we walked and i was still shaking. Mummy was rubbing up and down my back and kept shushing me but it wasn't working.

Mummy took me to her and Ashtons dorm and sat on the bed with me in her lap.

" Here baby do you want this" Mommy held up a Orange and Yellow pacifier that had a lion on it that said My Baby Lion.

I took it in my mouth and sucked on it and i laid my head on Mummy's shoulder.

" Oh baby, you must be tired, you missed nap time, go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up.

" Nuuu, nu tiwed stay Mummy"

" Baby shhh, I'll stay" Mummy stood up and rocked my back and forth and my eyes were slowly closing but i still tried to fight it. I had eventually closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Zoe's POV

I was carrying Jackson and i wasn't going to put him down, he was very reluctant to go to sleep but eventually went down.

I carried him all the way to my mothers office and found Ashton on the way, i explained everything and told him about Jackson calling me Mummy so i was going to ask my mother if we could be a family because Me and Ashton are 'partners' and then Jackson could be our baby.

We got to my mothers office and Ashton was carrying Jackson at the moment. I knocked on the door.

"Come In"

We walked in to the office and my mother was looking at us with a smile.

"Zoe, Ashton, what can i do for you"

" We would like to be a family please, i know Jackson is asleep at the moment but he has already called me mummy and he is attached to me, he won't leave me alone. Not after what happened"

" Are you sure that you guys can handle him, he quite a bit of work"

"Yes, we are very certain that we can"

"Okay i will need all of you to sign this form. Including Jackson so we will need to wait until he wakes up. You can stay here until he does"

"Thank you mum"

It was about 15 - 20 minutes later that Jackson woke up in Ashtons arms he yawns and the pacifier fell out of his mouth. He look down and looks around at where he was and started to wiggle around in Ashtons lap.

" Let me go, stupid, I'm not a baby" Jackson said

" Okay Jackson believe what you want" I said and stood him on the ground in front of me. He wobbled a bit and then found his balance but wouldn't look at me"

" Jackson, baby look at me" i said, we needed to sign this form ASAP so that we can help him with his transition to being a little boy.

" We need to sign this form so that we can become a family together"

" Why would i want to do that" Jackson mumbled out.

" Because it would be good to help with your transition into becoming a little boy, we just want to help you" All Jackson did was whine, i know he wants to become a family but he won't admit it.

" Come baby, just sign here" Ashton said to him. Jackson picked up the pen and signed it.

"We are officially your Mummy and Daddy now baby, you can rely on us don't worry about doing things yourself we are here to help you"

Ashton picked Jackson up and we went to his dorm to collect his things so that he can move in with us.

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