Best Friend Becky

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It's another day in period 2 and i have decided that i don't like this class anymore the teacher is very mean to me and i don't like it. Today Mummy decided to stay with me and after lunch daddy would.

Mummy wanted me to be a big boy and walk to this class so i held her hand and dragged my feet no wanting to go to this class.

" Come on baby we are going to be later if you keep dragging your feet" Mummy said to me but i refused to speed up.

Mummy just decided to pick me up and continue walking i started to squirm around and cry because we were now in the corridor where my class is.

"Mummy nuuuu, nuuuu" i said pulling back in her arms

" Why baby, why don't you want to go to class" All i did was whine and mummy put my pacifier in my mouth and put her hand on the back of my head and guided it to the crook of her neck keeping it there

Mummy opened the classroom door and again all eyes went to us. I whimpered and tightened my hold around mummy's neck.

" It's okay baby" Mummy whispered in my ear whilst starting to rub up and down my back.

She went to sit down over at a table and sat me on my own chair and she sat next to me keeping her hand around my back so i don't fall off of the seat.

"Mummy, Mummy" i whined reaching to her my bum coming slightly off my seat.

"No baby, you be a big boy and stay in your own seat"

" Mummy Mummy, uppie,uppie" i said reaching to her again but the bell was about to go and i didn't realise.

The bell went and I flinched at the loud noise and started to cry. I was the only one crying in the class and it was so embarrassing and i clung onto Mummy trying to get as close to her as possible until she picked me up. But i still wouldn't calm down.

"Hello Becky, can you do me a favour and distract Jackie while i go and make a phone call."

"No problem Zoe, I can do that"

(Zoe's POV)

I walked outside of the room still hearing my babies cries. I took my phone out and clicked on Ashtons contact to call him.

" Hey Ash are you able to bring that thing we talked about earlier to Jackson's class he is in a lot of distress at the moment"

"Sure Zo, I'll be about 10 minutes"

"Okay, see you soon"

I hanged up and turned to hear banging on the door and faint cries for Mummy. I opened the door slowly as to not hurt my baby who was on the other side of the door and reached my hand around so that i could move him so that i could come in.

" Hey baby, i wasn't leaving I was phoning Daddy he is coming"

He clung on to me again and i picked him up and went to sit back down so the teacher can continue her lesson, she did glare at us though which i was not happy about.

I gave my baby his pacifier and wrapped him in his blanket and that's when Ashton walked into the room.

" Hey bubba" he said while rubbing his cheek and he had one hand behind his back.

"Look what i have for you" he took his hand out from behind his back and in his hand he held a lion teddy. Jackson picked it up and hugged it to his chest and turned back to me, Ashton the kissed his hair and left to go back to his class.

He sat on my lap for the remainder of the period and played with his teddy while i took notes for him. The teacher kept glancing in our direction and glaring at us.

At the end of the lesson Becky was just sitting there by herself.

"Becky, would you like to come over at the end of the day for a play date with Jackson"

"I will have to ask my Mummy but if she says Yes then i would like that"

"No problem we will check with you Mummy at lunch"

"Oki" After that conversation i took Jackson to his next class which was break time but he just wanted to sit with me snuggled up in his blanket and have his paci and teddy.

By lunchtime i was getting a bit worried because Jackson wasn't very verbal, he ate a bit at lunch but just wanted his milk that i fed to him. Ashton took him after lunch to his classes which were Playtime for a double then Nap Time.

(Ashtons POV)

I was carrying Jackson to his next class which was Playtime.

" Jackie are you excited for playtime"

"nuuu, stay ou"

" Shhh baby I'll be there the whole time" i said to him messing around with his hair. All he did was nod and lay his head back down.

We got to the classroom and we got in and the teacher greeted us with a Hello. I placed Jackson down and he clung to my leg with both hands with a scared look on his face.

I put my hand on his back and guided him over to the colouring section and his friend Becky came over so they played together but Jackson kept checking that i was still there. I also played with him until Nap Time and then we went to dinner.


We sat down at our normal table and Becky and her Mummy came to sit with us and we all talked and Becky was allowed to come over for a play date.

Once in our dorm Jackson and Becky went off to play in his room with all of his toys and Becky and I sat on the couch together and watched the News.

By the end of the day Jackson was smiling happily and was giggling and having fun but was sad when Becky had to go.

" Bye Bye Becky"

"Bye Jack"

They waved goodbye and then Jackson was put to bed.

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