Bad Bad Day

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Zoe's (POV)

"Come on baby let's get you to bed" i went to pick him up and he started to whine and scramble away.

"Baby what's wrong, why don't you want me to pick you up"

"Not a baby, can do it myself"

"Well sweetheart i think you are a bit to little to do it yourself, let me pick you up and I'll get you a bottle and we can get you to sleep."


"Yes mister, you are getting all cranky now because your tired let's go"

I picked him up and started to walk towards the kitchen. He was wiggling and squirming trying to get out my hold but i had a strong grip on him

"No, nonononnono. No at baby. Let me goooo"

His eyes were welling up with tears and his bottom lip was trembling. He was trying to hold it all back.

"It's okay baby, mummy's got you you can cry. It's alright. I know my sweet boy is just tired"

I started rubbing the teat of the bottle over his lips and he pressed his lips together in a firm line determined not to the bottle in. I reached up and pinched his nose until he eventually opened his mouth to get some air in and i pushed the teat past his lips into his mouth.

He started to suckle on the milk and a small tear dropped from his eye. Once he was finished with his milk i went to his room and placed him in his crib. Turned the light off and walked to my room where i found Sky and Ash cuddled up together asleep.

A soft smile graced my face as i lay down and cuddled up to them going to sleep myself.

Jackson's ( POV)

I refused the bottle of milk, i wasn't a baby and i didn't want to be anymore it was embarrassing with Sky being here and i didn't want to be any more humiliated.

Zoe squeezed the bottle of milk which caused so me to go into my mouth and i started to suckle softly on the teat of the bottle.

Something about this milk tasted different to other bottles I've had. This one was creamier and thicker and tasted much better. But i don't understand why.

Once i finished the bottle zoe took me to my room and lay me down in the crib and left after turning the light off.

I was left alone with my thoughts and that's never a good thing. I refused to sleep because the memories of my parents just came back. It was 6 years ago tomorrow that my parents died and all i can think about it that. I can't sleep because it's always there when i close my eyes. I got lost in thought.

I'm so stupid and worthless and i hate that I'm a baby, i used to be so strong and now I'm fragile, i hate my life i wish it was different. I don't want to think about that terrible night. I can't think about it anymore.

Zoe and Ashton don't want you anymore because your such a cry baby, they have Skylar now and you are useless to them. She cuddled up with them and your in here all alone.

By the time my i was whisked out my thoughts the sun was slowly starting to rise and i had big black bags under my eyes. I was still sitting up in the corner of the crib and i hadn't slept a wink. All that was going through my head was that i didn't want to be a baby but my mummy and daddy have Sky now and don't need me. It's all so confusing.

I hate that i can't control my emotions i just want to be happy but all i can feel is sadness and jealousy.

I closed my eye but immediately jolted them back open because i could see there faces as the fire consumed there car and all i could do was just stand and watch. I didn't even realise that i was silently crying but when i reached my arms up to grasp at my hair i felt my wet cheeks.

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