Home Sweet Home

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Skylar's (POV)

Today was the day of my classification and i can't wait. My mum and dad said that they would be happy for me with anything and that brought joy to my heart.

At the moment my mum was driving me down to the classification centre and we were singing and talking together like we always do.

A bit of background about me, my name is Skylar Shark and I'm 17 years old as of today. I'm bright and quite smart and love to read and learn. I've never done anything bad in my life and my mum say that im a 'sweet angel' and I'm proud to be one. At school people say that I'm the teachers pet and i sometimes get bullied but it's only a few nasty words never anything much so i don't really mind. I love the colour yellow and my favourite animal is an Owl, especially baby ones they are so cute. I can't wait to get my classification today.

"Skylar are you excited to get your classification today"

"Yesssss, i can't wait."

"What do you thing you'll get, darling"

"Well, i don't really want to be a Dom. I'm more of a submissive but i could be a little so I'm not sure really"

"Honey just remember that me and your dad love you with anything that you get"

"I love you guys to mum, thank you"

I got out the car and walked over to the reception being careful to look out for the cars on the road as i pass by. Opening up the door i was immediately entranced with all the colours and animals going up the wall. It was so pretty.

"Skylar, the doctor will see you know"

I nodded my head and turned to the door on my left following the signs of where I'm going to and getting to a brightly coloured door with letter and number on it. I knocked on the door waiting for a reply and walked in.

"Hello, you must be Skylar, in Doctor Crawford are you ready to get classified"

"Yeah i can't wait, can you start already pleaseeee. I just want to find out"

"Sure let me set up the stuff and we can start if you can just go and lay down on the bed for me my assistant will come in and tell you what is going to happen and then we will get started, okay?"

"Okay" i said with a cheery attitude.

Hopping up on the table was pretty easy, i didn't feel scared or anything. I just want to get this over with.

The assistant came in and explained and i just wanted it to start already. I lay down and the doctor brought a needle over. I don't mind needles they aren't that scary to me they just hurt a bit.

I closed my eyes as i felt the needle prick my skin and to sleep i go, can't wait to find out my classification.

*once Skylar wakes up*

I woke up and i wasn't exactly sure if where i was. I sat up and looked around remember i was getting my classification just not what happened after that.

The Doctor came in with an envelope and handed it to me. I couldn't wait. I ripped it open and read what was at the top of the sheet. I could be happier.

AGE: 4-6

I can't wait to be little and care free. The doctor looked up at me and then started telling me about a school that I'll go to and i started bouncing up and down in my seat with excitement.

"Skylar, just so you know we have some people coming to collect you today and take you to your school so if you can come with me to a different room so that you can wait for them. "

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