Mummy and Daddy are home

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My mind was racing over and over. I was at nap time but i couldn't get to sleep, i had to much to think about to much going on in my life.

I still wasn't in headspace so i didn't really want to have a nap but i had no choice. However i had eventually fallen asleep with only 10 minutes left of the period.

"Jackie can you wake up for me" I heard the teacher say

" No, I'm tired"

"But nap time is over and someone is here to see you"

That got me to open my eyes, i looked up to see Ashton standing at my crib. He picked up my paci and put it in my mouth and handed me my blanket that was at the bottom of the crib

I held onto the blanket but i don't feel little, i didn't want my paci. I spit my paci out

"No Little" i said looking up at Ashton, he frowned slightly and picked me up.

"Down, no little" i said wiggling around trying to get out of his grasp as he leant over the crib and picked my paci up.

He put my paci in my mouth and started to walk away.

"Noooo, down not little" i whined

"Shhh, Shhh baby, your to little to walk by yourself, has your day been alright"

"Nooooooo" i said starting to cry clinging on to Ashie's neck burying my head into his chest as i was letting out small cry's

"Ohh, baby are you still so tired" Daddy said as he stroked his hand through my hair

"Day no good, meanie" i muttered while hiding my face in my blanket.

"Who's a meanie bubba?"

"Mrs Kesley, she it's me and aps' me. No nice, hurtin'.

"What do you mean baby, what's hurting"

Jackson points to his cheek where you can see the start of a light bruise forming from where Mrs Kesley slapped him.

"We are going straight to the headmistress right now"

Ashtons (POV)

I couldn't believe what I've just seen, my poor baby has a bruise on his face because of his teacher. I was storming down the corridor toward my mothers office with anger radiating off me. You could see the steam.

I pounded on the door as i got to the office. Hearing a muffled 'come in'. Opening the door and sitting down with my baby in my lap silently crying and had tight fists clutching onto my shirt.

"I want Mrs Kesley out of this school, she does not deserve to be allowed to teacher here when she physically hurts her own students. Did you know about this?"

"Ashton, hunny calm down. I went and stayed with him the rest of the class and he was upset because he was told to go to the corner, Mrs Kesley did nothing wrong he was just having a tantrum."

I stared at her in disbelief i couldn't believe that she overlooked the bruises. I turned my head to face Jackson.

"Baby, can you show Grandma your face and arm please so they can understand what's happening"

All Jackson did was whine and whimper and turn around slowly coming out of his hiding place that was in my neck.

"Oh my goodness me, Jackson I'm so sorry i didn't notice it earlier. I will get her fired immediately."

I was very pleased with her answer because i didn't want my baby around that foul woman again. I started walking back to the dorm wanting to but Jackie down for a nap and put some cream on his arms and face.

Jackson's (POV)

I was so relieved when i heard that Mrs Kesley was leaving the school, i felt a whole lot safer and i felt as though it was finally going to be okay. I was ready to go home and spend the rest of my day with my mummy and daddy and sleep because i was so tired.

As we were walking back to the room i wanted to know where mummy was because i haven't seen her all day.

"Daddy, where mummy?" I asked him with a frown on my face.

"She at the room baby, remember how we couldn't go to classes with you today because we were picking up someone knew, well she is with her at the moment and we are going to go and say hi."

I frowned at that, i didn't want my mummy with someone else i wasn't her with me.

The rest of the way to the room I had a scowl on my face and was not happy.

Zoe's (POV

I could wait to see Jackson so that he can meet this little bundle of joy that is running around the playroom happily playing with all the toys.

Her name is Skylar and she is a little with a headspace of 4-6 years old, i told my mum that me and Ashton would take her in and take care of her and hopefully we can get a sibling for little Jackie.

Skylar Shark Age: 17Little Age : 4-6Height: 5'4Classification: Little HumanDom: Unknown

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Skylar Shark
Age: 17
Little Age : 4-6
Height: 5'4
Classification: Little
Dom: Unknown

Skylar is so sweet and she seems very energetic but we hope that we can tame that a little and she will be able to grow a connection with Jackie and be his older sister.

"Skylar, do you want something to drink"

"Hmmm, do yous has orange juice"

"Yes we do baby, do you want a bottle or a silly, darling"

"Cans i have silly please"

"Yes you may and good girl for using your manners"

Al i hear in reply was little giggles and pattering of feet as she ran around playing with the bar or dolls that i got her today. She seemed really happy which i was ecstatic about and i was jumping with joy.

As i was making her some juice and preparing a bottle for when Jackson gets home i hear the front door opening and Ashton calling in saying he's home.

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