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Jackson (POV)

It has been two weeks since i had the bad day and I've been a little angel since. I've gotten used to having Skylar around and she has become my big sister and i couldn't be happier.

Today i had woken up in a foul mood and i could tell that i was cranky and grumpy and i didn't want to do anything. I didn't really want to be all grump and rude but i couldn't help it that's how i felt and i had to let it out.

Ashtons (POV)

I walked into my baby's room this morning and could tell that he was grumpy. He was sat up in his bed eyes squinty and hair all over the place rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them. He had his paci in his mouth and an adorable pout in his lips.

"Hey bubba, good morning. Sleep well?"

He looked at me grunted and looked away. He was clearly still in a sleep state and he is always very clingy when he is sleepy.

I picked him up from in the crib and he immediately latched on to me refusing to give me his paci. He's grown quite attached to it and has it all the time so Zoe and I are trying to ween him off it during the day and he can only have it during Nap time and bedtime.

"Baby, we've talked about this please give me your paci"

"Noooo, daddy mine"

I placed him on the changing table strapping him down and took the paci from his mouth that he so desperately tried to keep from me.

He immediately started to cry.

"Nnuuuuu, dadddaaa miiiiiine. Want my paci"

"Shhhh baby, here have your teddy, i know daddy's a big meanie for taking your paci. I know"

I handed his teddy to him and he hugged it stuffing his face in the fur. I started to get him changed and he was squirming about making it really difficult for me to get him dressed but eventually he let me dress him.

Once we met up with Zoe and Sky in the living room in the main part of the dorm we started walking to breakfast.

Jackson's (POV)

"DADDYYYY, me walk mYselfF"

"Baby, we don't shout. Calm down and ask me nicely or you going to be getting a very sore bum-bum tonight darling"

"Nooooo, me down. NOWWW!!!!"

I really didn't know why i was shouting i just felt like it and i don't know any better at the time to ask to get down.

"Jackson, that is not how we behave at school, when we get home 15 minutes in time out you know better than this" daddy said in a really deep dominant voice and it scared me and i just wanted down.

I was whimpering and scared that daddy wouldn't want me anymore.

"Down..... p.....please. D....da...dadddy"

He plopped me down and took my hand in his, i understood now why he doesn't want me to walk. I was really struggling to keep up and i kept stumbling on my little legs trying so hard to keep up when daddy's hand slipped from mine and i fell to the floor. I froze and couldn't do anything.

"D....da...dadddy" i whimpered out, i don't really know why i started to cry o think it was just the shock of it really

Daddy turned around and picked me up and started walking bouncing me as we went to calm me down but not saying anything which made me cry even more.

Zoe's ( POV)

My poor baby boy, i didn't want to see him crying and he was making it worse for himself. Eventually Ashton gave up and put him down and started walking. I could tell that Jackson was really struggling to keep up and when he fell i held in my emotions because i knew that this was for him to learn that he can't get what he wants from shouting and that mummy snd daddy know what's best for him.

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