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(Jackson's POV)

Today i was not looking forward to, there is a new rule that has been put in place where all littles under the age of 3 have to have a pacifier on them at all times or there Dom has to have it with them.

I was also not looking forward to today because i had been waking up little for the whole of yesterday and i couldn't work out how to stop it, the only good thing is that Daddy or Mummy could come to my classes with me because of my phobia when I'm in little space.

At the moment i was being carried to second period where it was just the littles of the age 0-3 but Daddy gets to come with me because I'm little.

" Bubba are you ready to go into the class" Daddy asks me while putting me down.

" uppie, uppie" i said while reaching up and doing grabby hands

" Bubba your a big boy you can walk yourself"

" nuuu, uppie" i said as i started crying. I don't know what is wrong with me at the moment i pretty much cry at everything if i don't have physical contact with either Mummy or Daddy.

" Shhh, Bubba" Daddy said and picks me up, gave me my paci and i single into him just enough so that i could still see.

Daddy opened the door to the classroom and we went and sat at a round table that could fit about 5 people around it. All eyes turned to Daddy and I as we walked in and it made me very self conscious so i hid my face.

At the table there were 4 other kids 3 girls and a boy.

" Hewo I'm Becky what's your name" the girls closest to me asked

I looked at her and my eyes widened, she is speaking to me, why is she speaking to me. I don't know her.

I whimpered and looked at Daddy who just answered for me.

" Hello Becky, this is Jackson"

" Did i say something wrong" Becky whispered to him

" No Becky it's fine, Jackson her is just a little scared of speaking to people he doesn't know, aren't you bubba"

All i did was climb into Daddy's lap and hug him with my head in the crook of his neck. Daddy did get me to wave at Becky though by taking my hand and helping me do it.

The bell had went and the teacher started teaching the lesson. I'm pretty sure all of the teachers know about my situation and knew that i had my Dom or Dom's come with me to each of the classes.

I didn't like this teacher though, i was still sitting in Daddy's lap but my head was laying down on his shoulder facing the teacher.

" Now class today we will be learning about Littles and What they play with, now depending on the age of the little the toys they play with will vary so in your case you would maybe play with blocks or stuffier or a rattle. You might colour in a picture something else. Do you all remember the class book that i gave you to read for this lesson. Good, who can tell me what age they are in little space and what the tend to play with." 

About three quarters of the classes hands went up and we were only a small class so there was maybe 4 people without there hand up including me.

"Mhhhh, how about Jackson. Can you answer my question, No oh what a shame how about another one, where do you go when you are naughty, hmm. She waits a couple seconds " Ohh i see you can answer that either, someone else who can actually speak can answer then"

I looked around and everyone's eyes where on me and i started to hyperventilate, why did she have to pick me everyone looking, what if i get the question wrong will everyone laugh. I just hid in my daddy's arms and put my head in the crook of his neck.

Daddy started to lecture the teacher about picking me and being rude to me when she knew my situation and what i was struggling with. I started to cry and daddy stood up and walked out of my class with me still in his arms.

" Shhh, baby your okay. You didn't have to answer that is what I'm here for, copy my breathing bubba" he said as he stood me on the ground and crouched down beside me.

" Good boy, very good boy for listening to daddy" Ashton ended up taking me to his class room for the remainder of that period and came with me to all my other classes where the teacher was nicer. Even Mr Kentucky gave me a chocolate.

After lunchtime Mummy took me to the rest of the classes and then we went to the dorm whilst daddy went to have a word with Grandma about second period. When daddy got back and we had dinner we went to sleep and i got to sleep with my mummy and daddy.

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