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Jackson's POV

There was a bright light shining in from my window and it was right on my face, i heard my door open and close but i kept my eyes shut.

I opened my eyes and fisted them so that i could get the sleep out from the corner of my eyes but a hand had grabbed mine.

" Don't do that Jackie, you'll hurt yourself" Ashton had said i just glared at him.

Ashton sets me down on the changing table and went to the closet to get me some new close but he didn't put the strap across me so i could get down. I slid down with a thump and went to hide. I hide under my bed and waited.

Ashton walked out of the closet to find me not on the changing table.

"Jackie, where are you" Ashton had called but i stayed under the bed, but unluckily for me i had to sneeze, i tried to hold it in but i couldn't.

I sneezed

" There you are Jackie, don't hide from me you silly baby" he grabbed me and set me back onto the changing table.

"Alright Jackie, as your head space says you are 2 years old you don't have uniform but you do wear a long sleeve shirt and a diaper but that's it.

I looked at Ashton with horror in my eyes

"NO, F YOU IM NOT AN F'ING BABY SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE ONE" Ashtons mood changed straight away and his tone had deepened.

" Jackson's go to the corner now or you will have a very sore bum-bum" I looked at him and new he was serious so I walked to the corner but didn't face the wall, i didn't trust him not to do anything.

" Jackson turn and face the wall"

I decided to do it and not disagree, after that I was picked up and put on the changing table. I was dressed and put into this:

 I was dressed and put into this:

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That's all i was dressed into and Ashton picked me up and started to walk down to breakfast

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That's all i was dressed into and Ashton picked me up and started to walk down to breakfast.

On the way to breakfast i hid my face with my hands because i was super embarrassed about what i was wearing. Ashton bounced me in his arms which put a scowl on my face.

We passed so many people who just cooed at me and that deepens the scowl on my face. Unfortunately we reached the food hall and there were so many people
In there, i hid my face again as Ashton went over to the line to get some breakfast, taking me with him.

I watched grumpily as he got a plate of food then stopped.

" ZOE" he called over to his sister, she appeared next to us in a flash.

" Can you take Mr Grumpy Pants here and take him to the table, I'll bring the breakfast over in a minute.

" Yeah sure"

I was taken to a table with quite a few people on it there were people wearing formal uniform with dark blue ties and there wear people wearing light blue and light pink ties.

Zoe placed me down on the bench and sat down next to me with and arm around my back, which is stupid because i can sit perfectly fine.

Ashton brought the breakfast and sat on my other side and place a tray in front of me, on the tray was a couple bits of cereal and some strawberries cut up with a yogurt pot and a bottle with water in it.

I pushed it away i wasn't eating any of this.

" Jackie eat your food"

" No, I'm not a baby, you can't make me into one" I stood up with difficulty and ran to the door, Ashton came after me and picked me up with a angry look on his face.

" Jackson we do not run from Zoe and I" he said in a deeper voice than he normally speaks in and brought me back to the table.

" You will eat you food or i will feed it to you"

I really didn't want to look like a bigger baby by getting him to feed me so i did it myself but i unfortunately mad e a huge mess with the yogurt and got it all over my face. But i refused to drink from a baby bottle.

" Jack why don't you take a drink from your bottle, i bet your thirst" Zoe asked me

" NO, No no no" i said shaking my head Ashton however wasn't taking no for an answer he picked me up and put me in his lap and put the bottle against my lips, i wasn't going to open my mouth so he squeezed my nose and i eventually had to open my mouth and i had drunk the water by the time the bell went.

During all of this my timetable had appeared on my table so i read it.

Jackson's Timetable

Period 1 - Littles & Caregivers Class
Period 2 - All about the Littles (1)
Break Time
Period 4 - Nap Time (1)
Period 5 - Finding your Dom (1)
Lunch Time
Period 6 - Playtime (1)
Period 7 - Playtime (1)
Period 8 - Nap Time (1)
Home Time

Ashton gave me my timetable and explained to me that him or Zoe will pick me up after every class and take me to my new one and that the classes with the (1) beside it means that im in my Little class and he is in the class for little 0-3 because he is in the youngest group the 1 represents that.

So after breakfast Ashton took me to my first class which was Littles & Caregivers so the caregivers and little are both in the class.

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