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I looked at Becky as she entered the room, she ran towards me and wrapped me in her arms glaring at the teacher.

"You're no allow to oo that, I'm telling my mummy"

"Oh Becky, you have no authority to tell me what to do"

Becky dragged me out of the classroom, i was shaking. The teacher was shouting at us from in the classroom, i couldn't handle it. I froze in my spot trying not to panic. I was breathing heavily and on the edge of a panic attack.

"Jack-Jack you otay" Becky asked me looking at me with concern.

"I'll go get my mumma wait ere"

I was left alone in the hallway while Becky went to run and find her mummy. I just wanted my mummy and daddy no one else.

**Becky's POV**

I was on my way to find mumma as i didn't like what Mrs Kesley did to Jack-Jack and it wasn't allowed, i couldn't remember what class she said she had so i went to the Headmistresses office, Mrs Demetri. I knocked on the door.

"Come in"

I walked in and got a shocked look from Mrs Demetri as us littles weren't allowed to be out of class unless our Dom has come and collected us.

"Becky, what are you doing out of class"

"It's Jack-Jack, he no okay. Panickin'" i rushed out trying to get her to understand the situation.

"Okay I'm coming"

**Jacksons POV**
* While he was alone in the corridor*

I was left alone as Becky went away i didn't know what to do i was frozen in place and i could here the faint sound of footsteps coming this way and i didn't know what to do.

I backed up to the way and crouched down with my hands over my ears and my eyes closed but i could still hear the footsteps and they were getting closer and closer. I was so scared

I let little whimpers out as my cheek still stung with pain and I'm sure that i will get a bruise there. I looked up to see the one person that i didn't want to.

Mrs Kesley

"NOOO, go way, go way. No want u" i screamed at her starting to sob getting quieter and quieter as i went on until it was heartbroken sobs that were all you could here.

"Get up you stupid boy and come back to class this instant"

I refused to move and go with her, she is the last person that i would want to go with. But that didn't stop her. She came over to me and grabbed me by my shirt.

"Listen to me, you do as i say or you get a bad punishment, I'll let you choose what option you want"

She didn't even let me answer before she was dragging me down the corridor to the classroom. I could feel myself slowly coming out of my headspace but even if i was out of headspace i wouldn't know what to do.

She threw me into the classroom with me landing , face first on the floor and she just left me there. I lay there too scared to get up in fear of all the eyes that were starring at me.

The door then slammed open and in walked Becky and Mrs Demetri , she picked me up and walked over to the chair in the corner. Rocking me back and forth she was trying to calm me down.

"I..I'm not i..in m..my head..space any..any..more" i said between hiccups and sobs.

"That's alright darling, i have called mummy and daddy for you but they aren't able to get here until later on as they have been delayed. I'll stay with you in class for now"

I slowly looked up and Mrs Kesley had an innocent smile on her face like she had done nothing.

"I'm terribly sorry Madam that you had to come out here, Jackson was just having a bit of a temper tantrum and got a bit upset because i told him to go and sit in the corner to calm down" Mrs Kesley said and i couldn't help but glare at her.

Mrs Demetri, picked up my paci and put it in my mouth so that i wouldn't lash out and say something.

" Don't need it, not in headspace" i said in a small and quiet voice because so many people were looking at me.

"Just have it for now Jackson i think it will help you calm down" Mrs Demetri said to me

" Mrs, she lying, she-"

" Becky that's enough, i think it might be best for everyone if we just carry on with the lesson so can we all be quiet and sit down so that we can learn"

Becky just sat down and huffed from getting told of while i was silently playing with my hands trying to get through this day without mummy and daddy and not being in headspace made everything so much harder.

I felt more sensitive than before when i didn't have a headspace and i feel like anything could trigger it at any moment and i could slip again and i also feel that i could cry at any moment. I felt fragile.

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