The Party

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We got to the party and i got out the car. You could hear the music down the block. There were people all over the place, most of them were drunk. I walked in with Andrew and he immediately went to so girl, i started to walk around bumping in to everyone that got in my way, some ended up falling on the floor and others didn't even acknowledge that i walked into them.

I walked to a couch that was free but decided to go and get a drink instead, i mean it is a party. I went into the Kitchen and there is a whole load of people in hear, i got my cup poured something and walked back out.

I went and played a couple games and danced a bit. I hooked up with some girls and did all the stuff you would normally do at a party. It was only 9:30pm and the party was only getting started. I danced for a lot of hours and kissed a lot of girls.

By the time that midnight rolled around i was completely wasted and partying hard, there was many people around me. I was having fun. I stumbled over to Andrew who had quite a few kiss marks in him and he had a cup of something.

I stayed for a bit longer with everything happening in a blur.

(Ashton's POV)

Me and Zoe were in Washington and heard there was a party going on tonight, we really need to loosen up after spending weeks looking for our little baby.

It was late and we went to the party, the music was loud and it was very claustrophobic. Zoe and I found a empty corner and sat there for a little bit, looking over everything that is happening.

There was people pouring in every door they could find, some where stumbling over people that have passed out on the floor and many were just really drunk. There were also quite a few people making out in secluded areas of the house.

It was hot and sweaty and people were having fun.

"ASHTON IM GOING TO GET A DRINK, WANT ONE" Zoe screamed at me to be heard over the loud music.

"SURE" i screamed back, so off Zoe went to the Kitchen.

(Zoe's POV)

I was on my way to the Kitchen when i saw him, he was so cute and small and i was wondering what he was doing at a party. He didn't look like the type.

I got quite distracted looking at him that i bumped into someone, i apologise and worked my way back to Ashton completely forgetting about the drinks.

"HEY ASH" i shouted over the music so he new i was there. He looked up, confusion all over his face. I got close to him so we could whisper into each other's ear so we didn't have to shout.

" I though you were getting drinks?" he questioned

"Sorry, got distracted"

" With what"

" There is this boy he's so cute and small he would be a perfect little for us but I don't know his classification.

For the rest of that night Ashton and Zoe watched the boy to make sure he doesn't do anything over the top. The all went home except for the people who were passed out and that boy ended up having to walk all the way home because no one would drive him.

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