Taken by a Master

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So far i have been here for a week and it is the
same routine every day. I have noticed that my body is changing and i don't like it.

I'm now 4.7" and I've been really close to peeing myself numerous times. However Ashton and Zoe have been really nice and have come every morning to change me which i hate.

I'm on my way to have Lunch at the moment in the Lunch Hall. Ashton has come to pick me up and carried me all the way to the hall.

At the Lunch Hall i got my usual that i have everyday. Cut up toast with Jam and Butter on it and sadly a bottle of milk. I hate drinking out of a bottle but Ashton makes me.  But as normal Ashton helped me drink it.

After Breakfast Ashton and Zoe had to do something and they trusted me to walk to my class by myself. I started walking but i somehow go lost, i continued walking and someone was at the end of the hallway.

"Hello, I've gotten myself lost and i need help looking for my class." I asked a boy but when he turned around I was shocked to see who it was. It was the bully at my old school.

" Well, We'll if it isn't Jackson Malik. I'm quite surprise that you are a little. But i suppose it makes sense because you have always been quite weak."

He grabbed my arm roughly and pushed me into the wall with a lot of force. He stood in front of me and pinned my tiny hands to the wall.

" As you can see I'm a Master, and you are going to obey to me. Let's go"

He started dragging me to what i assume to be his dorm and locked the door.

" Here we go." he tied my hands and legs together and left me in a room, i was silently crying at this point and i was just hoping that someone could find me and save me. My tough act is gone and I'm just a weak little.

" I'll be back later. Bye bye for now"

( In Jackson's Class, Teachers POV)

Today was quite interesting so far. But my main concern at the moment is that one of my littles is missing. Jackson Malik has not turned up to class.

" Hello, I'm calling the office to say that Jackson Malik hasn't turned up to class and i don't know where he is."

( Zoe's POV)

I was just informed by the office that Jackson hasn't turned up to class, he has his cellphone on him so i tried calling it but he didn't pick up which made me mad.

I started walking around the school and i came to the dorms, i had a sudden though that he could be hiding in one of these dorms so i listen to every door.

I then after trying about 150 dorms heard whimpering coming from the door. I called my mother and asked her to bring security to knock the door down as it was locked. I opened the door and saw.

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