Break Time - Play Time

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(Zoe's POV)

Today was the first day Jackson was back at school, he was off because he was sick and some other reasons that are not to be talked about.

"Jackie, baby wake up you have school today"

"Nuuu, mama nuuu"

"Oh are you my young baby today, i think you are" I said and started to tickle his stomach.

Jackson started giggling, his giggle is so cute and i would love to hear it all the time.

"Right Jackie me and Daddy are on Break Time today so you don't have to worry about anything and of course Becky will be there so you can have someone to play with"

"Zo, Jackie we have to go or we will be late"

"Coming!, let's go baby"

They all walked out to get a quick bite from the lunch hall and then off to first period.

*Time skip to Break Time*

(Jackson's POV)

I was just coming outside to go to Break Time when i had a sudden thought that Mommy and Daddy will be here so that means that the meanies won't hurt me.

Sometime when there is other people they don't care and just let the meanies hurt me so now i can stay with mummy and daddy.

"Hey Jackie" I heard on my left, it was Becky and her mommy, she must be helping.

I waved at Becky then ran up to my Mummy and Daddy. I'm still a bit scared around Becky but I'm slowly warming up to her.

"Hey baby, that's a good boy that you waved at her I'm so proud of you"

I smiled really big and looked around at all the toys, i normally just sit at the small bench and cry silently because Mommy and Daddy weren't with me and i was scared of everyone but they have to catch up on the classes they miss but now they are here and i can play.

"Mummy" i whispered in her ear

"Yeah bubba what's up" she whispered back


"You want me to play with you"


"Oh baby, I'm so sorry but i can't i have to walk around and look after everyone but I'm sure Becky will play with you won't you Becky"

"Sure i will"

"See baby, Becky will play with your

"b..b...b..but i wan you" he says and starts crying

"Shhhh, baby I'll come and sit with you one sec"

Zoe looks at Ashton with a help look and he looks back at her.

"It's alright Zo, I'll take him and you can look after everyone"

"Thanks you" i said and passed Jackson to Ashton

Ashton started bouncing Jackson in his arms as he walked with Becky over to the swings, there was a baby swing and a kids swing.

"Jackie look you want to go on the swing" Ashton said and Jackson stopped crying and looked at the swing.

"Wes peas"

"Okay baby but you have to stop crying, i don't like seeing you cry"

Ashton pops Jackson down it the baby swing while Becky sat on the kids swing.


"Mhm daddy"

"Okay here we go"

Ashton started to push Jackson but Becky just sat there not knowing what to do.

"Ashton, can you push me too please"

"Sure honey"

So for about 15 minutes a lot of giggles were heard coming from these two.

"Ashton i want to go on the slide"

"Okay Becky, Jackie baby you want to go on the slide"

"SWIDE, SWIDE, SWIDE!!!" They both chanted and they ran to the slide together, i was happy that Jackson has warmed up to Becky so they can now play together.

I walked back to Zoe and sat on the bench watching over everything whilst Zoe and Melissa were walking amongst the littles playing with them and helping them. I smiled

Looking to my left i seen a boy slightly older that Jackson walk over and push him down to the ground, Jackson has been so fragile since the day we got him that at any point the flood gaits could open and tears could be gushing down his face. I stood up and quickly rushed over to him.

"You ugly baby, stop crying. Your so pathetic i don't get why Ashton and Zoe would pick you over everyone else in the school. Your so needy and disgusting"

"I would stop talking before you get yourself in even more trouble young man"

Zoe came walking over to the scene and took the boy over and started lecturing him about Respect and the No bullying policy that we have in place.

I bent down and picked Jackson up, he was crying and breathing slightly heavier than he normally does. Then he snapped.

"Put. Me. Down, I am not a baby and will never be a baby"

I was expecting this to happen, everything was just going so perfectly that something had to go wrong.

"I'm never being Little again take me back to my dorm i don't want to live with you guys anymore"

"Jackie, bubba you signed an agreement that said you live with us so you have to and suppressing your little side won't do anything to help with how you are feeling"

"Just take me to the dorm"

I walked with him to the dorm we went in to the room and he sat on the couch, arms crossed and glaring at everything babyish in the room, this is not good.

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