Chapter 28 - The Progress

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Chapter 28 - The Progress

Mia's POV

Who would've thought that the day will come that Patrick will return his feelings for me. I thought this would never happen at all, but look at us now. We're starting to get to know each other more.

Yep, we're officially dating already.

A few days ago, the day when we went to his secret cozy place, as we arrived at the front porch of my house, just before I'm about to get out of his car, he told me that he wanted to court me. I'm totally fine with that. After all, it's much better to undergo the stages of dating just so I'll be able to make sure that he really is the one for me.

We're also texting each other a lot. Sometimes I think it's more than we should. On second thought, how am I supposed to know if it's too much? I don't have any basis for comparison anyway. Mehh, I'm liking it, so I don't really mind at all.

Funny how we sometimes do things that we never tried. Let's say that an example of which is this moment that we are actually having right now.

My parents are on a business trip and they'll be out of town for a week. My parents actually told Mr and Mrs. McKee about their trip so they ended up agreeing that while my parents are gone, they'll look for me from time to time. Anyway, here I am, home alone. Upon telling this to Patrick, he started sneaking here.

"Don't your mother notice that most of the time you're not actually at home?" I asked while he's checking out my book shelf.

"Nope. I sneaked in remember. They won't know... unless you tell them." He replied smugly. I just rolled my eyes. "Had they known this, you'll get grounded." I retorted.

He kissed me on my forehead as he patted my head, messing my hair a little. "Meh, I don't care. I'll still find a way to see you. Plus, I don't think I'll get grounded for staying here to accompany you. My parents told your parents that they will look after you. I think that automatically includes me to take care of you as well, to make sure that you're okay while they're out of town. Also we do this all the time when we were kids, I stay in here whenever I feel like doing so remember? This is just normal."

"There you said it, 'when we were kids' Patrick." I said, air-quoting at the same time. "Apparently they see us as teenagers now, so it's kind of different."

"They see us as responsible teenagers. C'mon, they trust us. It's not like we're doing anything bad or illegal. Unless..." He looked at me smugly.

"Unless what?" I asked, suddenly confused with his change of tone and expression.

"Unless you wanna do the deed?" He answered, looking at me with all seriousness on his face.

I gaped at him. Did he just ask me to make love with him? "W-what? NO! Geez, you behave Patrick McKee!" I exclaimed. He bursted into fits of laughter. "You should've seen the look on your face!" He said in between laughs. "You look horrified!" With that, I threw a pillow at him.

"That's not funny." I grumbled, crossing my arms. "What if I said yes awhile ago. What will you do now?" I answered, void of any emotion. He stopped laughing right after he heard what I said. He looked surprised. "Mia..." He trailed.

"What now?" I said, pouting.

"Y-you wanna do it?" He asked questioningly, looking at me in a way that he had never looked at me before. He looks surprised and at the same time... hopeful? Wait, what?!

"Gotcha!" I said, grinning. He looks at me confusingly. "Wait, what?" He asked, and then it suddenly clicked on his mind. "You..." He said, making his way towards me.

"Wait, wait, wait, what will you do?" I asked, backing off while laughing. "Stop giving me false hopes." He said pouting, but I saw a playful glint on his eye. "You'll never know what I can do to you right here, right now."

I gulped. "Umm, shall I call for help, in case you'll do something that you're not supposed to do to me?" I asked. I'm on my bed, still backing my way up until I realized I was leaning on the wall already and I can't go anywhere since he's about to block my way and cage me from where I'm in.

"Nah. No need." He said, smirking. "Because you know what, you'll love it."

My eyes widened with what he just said. No way will he do what I'm thinking, right? I mean, he won't force me to do things that I am not yet ready to do. I'm not yet ready to give up my virginity!

I suddenly got an opportunity to slide from his almost arm caging, but I ended up falling on the other side of my bed. Face down, I tried to roll so I can face up, but just as I did it, Patrick was already on top of me, caging me with his arms.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

"Don't." I blurted out as I close my eyes. "Please." I'm starting to feel a little panicky since he's looking at me in a way that he looks so determined to actually do the deed. And dear Lord I'm not yet ready!

Unexpectedly, he fall down on my side as he gave me a hug. Burying his face on my chest he told me, "I'm just kidding. Sorry, I took it way too far. I won't force you to do things that you don't want to do... you know that, right? Also, I think, now is not the right time for that."

I opened my eyes as I heaved a sigh that I didn't realize I was holding. "For a second you scared me awhile ago. I thought you'll really..." He held up a finger on my lips. "Shhhh. I undersand. I'm really sorry Mia. It's just a joke. I won't do that, not now." He replied, trying to comfort me as he rub my back. I snuggled closer to him. "I'm sorry too. It's not that I don't want to do it with you, I mean, I'm not yet ready to do that yet. We had just started dating. And I really wanted to do that after I get married. Which won't be happening anytime soon as of the moment." I said, almost nearly in a whisper.

"I know. I understand, and I respect you for that." He said, kissing my cheeks. "I'm willing to wait no matter how long it will take. After all, I'm pretty sure that I won't let you go and end up marrying someone else. If you were to marry someone one day, at the right time, that guy should be me." He added.

I giggled. "Now that is something cheesy but is really so sweet for you to say." I commented, teasing him. He looked at me shyly and I saw his cheeks blushing. "You ruined the moment." he huffed, pouting playfully. Aww he's too cute for my liking. This is one of the instances that soon will just be a part of my memory that I would love to cherish and relive all over again. With that, I kissed him passionately on the lips which surprised him. "Woah. I did not see that coming." He replied breathlessly. I just wagged my eyebrows playfully. "I like it when you tend to get caught off guard. It's cute." Rolling his eyes at that, he kissed me some more, leaving a smile on my face.


Author's Note:

New chappie up! Woot woot! \:D/

I'm actually planning on ending this story until Chapter 30. I had so much fun writing this (even if there had been delays to some chapters) and I hope that you'll still be up for reading other stories that I may be doing in the future. :)

Thank you for continuously reading my story even if it is quite somewhat draggy already. In the future, I'll improve on that. Still, I hope that you get to enjoy this story and the characters involved.

Leave a comment if you have any ideas or rants in regards to my story or this chapter specifically. I would love to hear from you! Your comments aids me to improve my writing style and creative juices.

I'll post the next chappie in a few days! Have a great day dear readers <3


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