Chapter 24 - Say Something

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Chapter 24 - Say Something

Patrick's POV

I stifled a yawn as the sun's rays greeted me through my bedroom window. I automatically checked my phone to see if Mia had replied, but unfortunately she didn't. 

Well, I kind of expected that. We're just about to rebuild our friendship yet here we are again, I messed it up, all thanks to that bet that should've never existed in the first place. Sigh. 

I checked my phone and browsed the messages that I've sent to Mia. 3:10am, 4:15am, 5:03am, 6:00am, 7:30am, 8:20am... I glanced at my watch and it's 30 minutes before 9am. 

I'll message her again in a bit then. 

I placed back my phone on my bedside table as I stretched and get out of my bed. How I wish that I'll get Mia to talk to me today. Or at least reply to me that she'll hear me out soon. 

Without realizing how time went by so quickly, with my thoughts getting consumed of her, I realized that it's time to text her again. I'll keep on trying and trying, I won't give up easily! 

And so I've texted. 

Patrick (9:03am): Mia, I'm sorry. I know that I seem to be asking too much from you about hearing me out as soon as you knew about the bet that wasn't supposed to be actualized. Take your time, but please, hear me out soon. Give me another chance. I'm really sorry. I also hope that despite these things, I still want you to have a great day. 

After sighing for the Nth time, I pressed the sent button. I was about to place my phone back at my bedside table when it suddenly buzzed. I immediately checked who texted me and it lighted me up upon knowing that Mia replied. Finally!!

Mia (9:05am): Stop flooding my phone. Let's go eat ice cream now. Meet you at the usual spot in 10 minutes.  

Huh? Did I just read it right? I read Mia's message for more than 5 times just to make sure that I've read it right. She's asking me to eat ice cream? As in,now? 

Well, instead of questioning it, I'm more than thankful that she wanted to see me. I really wanted to explain my side. I changed into a plain gray shirt and jeans. I grabbed my wallet and my phone as I shove them into my pocket as I wear my black chucks as I made my way outside. 


"Just in time." Mia said with a small smile. 

"Mia, I-" I was about to say something but she cut me off. 

"I want some vanilla ice cream topped with chocolate syrup, marshmallows, and sprinkles. Ohh, and don't forget lot's of M&Ms." she stated as she looked at me in the eye. I just nodded in reply as I ordered our ice creams. 

As I gave her the ice cream she ordered, I sat down straight as I look at her sincerely in the eye. "Mia, please, let me-" I started but then again she cut me off. 

"Thanks for the ice cream by the way, and nahh, no need." she said giving me a dismissive wave. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what she's thinking yet she just looked at me and gestured the bowl of ice cream in front of me. "Dig in, ice cream isn't enjoyable if you started eating it when it melts." she added. 

And so I did just like what she asked me to do. It seems that she enjoyed eating her ice cream yet here I am, still feeling a bit nervous while eating my ice cream... too nervous that I can't savor it well. 

"You've been flooding my phone for almost 12 hours." she spoke all of a sudden. I lightly blushed as I whispered "Sorry about that."

Then she gave out a light laugh and I can't help but just gaze at her wondering why is she laughing. 

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