Chapter 11 - The Worrier and The Party Girls

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Chapter 11 - The Worrier and The Party Girls

Patrick's POV

It has been a week since School Fair ended. It was a success. We all had fun as we check out every stall, games, rides, and events that are taking place simultaneously at school. 

Today's a Saturday, finally the perfect time to rest. This week has been somehow tiresome for it's the 100 years celebration of Hearst High. There are a lot of programmed activities every single day. 

Two weeks of back-to-back celebration seemed to just pass by in a blur. Thank God for those two weeks we get to relax for a little while. 

Next week, classes will resume. It's back to normal once again. We'll gonna attend classes then wait until final exams take place then hello summer! Oh I can't wait for summer!!

Anyway, after we performed on-stage two weeks ago, Mia seemed to be quite... distant. I have no idea why, but her actions are kinda off lately. 

We invited her in our after party but she declined saying that she's tired already. To think that I'm the one who asked her... she never declines any of my invitations. I was even looking forward to seeing her on our after party. I even wanted to talk to her by then to find out if she's okay or what. Geez. 

What's worse was this week she never talked to me. She didn't even utter a single word to me during the 100 years celebration of our school. She somehow gets to address me when she's talking to our band as a whole. Other than that, we never had the chance to have a proper conversation, or even a small talk that's just the two of us. She's always either with her best friend Sandra or that new student, Yuu. 

I let all of her actions slide because I thought that maybe she doesn't have anything to tell me, for once. But what's frustrating is that she has the time to chat with my bandmates! They’re just talking about anything under the sun. I know we're all friends in here, so why is she excluding me?!

Last Monday, I opened my twitter account just to see Dwayne and her talking about some drama series that I haven't watched yet. They even plan to meet up at her house to watch the drama series together. Can you believe that? They did not even thought of inviting me! 

Also, last Wednesday, when we were at our usual spot at Cafe Hearst, Jeremiah and Brendon keeps on talking about their trip to the arcade with Mia last Tuesday. They even mentioned how good Mia was at Dance Central 3! Jeremiah even keeps on re-telling the story as to how a large crowd started to form around them as Mia and Brendon are having a dance-off match. 

Then last Thursday, I saw Caleb went to Mia's house. From what I've overheard while they are still standing by the front door, he is asking Mia to watch a horror movie. Mia excitedly agreed about it! They even decided to watch the movie on Friday which was freakin' yesterday. It indeed happened. Yesterday, I even saw Caleb drove Mia home... and they both look happy. 

I didn't realize that all this time they still get to meet 

Mia whenever they have some time to spare. Not just that, they all have their own ways and methods to ask Mia out... and Mia always say yes! Ughh, since when did they all become that close?! Why do I suddenly feel like I'm the outcast here? Why are they not inviting me at all? 

Why do they all have managed to get some alone time with her? While I, on the hand, who's even her neighbor can't even manage to have a small talk with her! Her house is just beside my house yet here I am just wondering how unfair my bandmates are! Why do I feel like I sound like a girl? Ughh, for one I’ll rant the way I wanted to! 

Also, I noticed that lately Mia has been sleeping late. Her lights are still on at around 12:30am! She always sleeps at around 10:00pm so what's with her sudden change of bedtime schedule? What is she up to lately?!

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