Chapter 27 - Life After Party

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Chapter 27 - Life After Party

Mia's POV

I finally heard the doorbell ringing. Patrick is already here! Oh no, how can I face him without looking awkward?

Why on Earth do I have to remember 'that' moment. Ughh.

I heard the doorbell ringing again. Ooops, I must've spaced out again. I ran downstairs as quickly as I can, opening the door slowly. Indeed it is Patrick. He's wearing an olive green polo shirt, jeans, and his favorite black Chuck Taylor's.

Why is it that whatever he wears he still looks hot, errr... amazing?! This guy...

"Hi." Patrick said shyly, a tint of blush suddenly creeps out his cheeks.

"Hello." I greeted warmly, trying to push back in my head the awkward scenario that I just had to remember just in time when we're about to go out somewhere. "Shall we?" I asked.

"Yep, let's go! I bet you're already hungry for ice cream." He replied, smiling goofily. He arched his arms for me to cling into. We walked until we reached his car.

"Wait, shouldn't we just walk? It's just a few blocks away?" I asked.

"Well, I just don't want you to get tired. After all, you just came out of a hangover" He replied sheepishly.

"Umm, Patrick that was three days ago." I pointed out. "I'm perfectly fine now, see?" I said, twirling like a ballerina, or so I thought. I suddenly stopped, feeling a bit dizzy from too much twirling. Bad idea.

He laughed. "Right. You're in perfect condition huh." He said playfully.

"Shut up." I replied, blushing a lot out of embarrassment.

He clung his arms unto my shoulders as he tries to comfort me. "Aww, it's okay Mia, I know you're perfectly fine. Look, let's just take the car. After all, I'm actually thinking of bringing you somewhere aside from the ice cream parlor." He said, smiling at me.

"Ohh." Was all I can say.

He smirked. "Let's get going now then." He said, leading me to the passenger's seat.


"Mmmmmmmm, this is heaven!" I said, moaning some more, taking another spoonful of ice cream. I've got Belgian chocolate ice cream with toffee bits and marshmallows on top with vanilla syrup.

Patrick just keeps on looking at me with delight as he eats his ice cream as well. He tried orange-chocolate ice cream with cashew nuts on top and vanilla syrup.

As I noticed that he is just looking at me, I start to get conscious. "Uhh, is there something on my face?" I asked. He suddenly snapped out of his reverie, blushing a little. "Huh, what?" He asked. Upon realizing what I just had asked, he added, "Oh no. Nothing at all."

"Then why are you staring at me like I have something on my face? Or is my face the problem?" I asked in a playful manner.

"Nothing's wrong with your face, silly." He replied, laughing a little. "You just look adorable when you eat. It's like you seem to light up whenever you eat ice cream." He commented, grinning at me.

"Who doesn't!" I grinned back. "Someone's awestricken by my presence~" I sing-songed plastering a smirk on my face.

"Aaaand someone's starting to get so full of herself. Get a grip Mia!" He bantered playfully.

"Hey!" I just countered, pouting playfully. "Am not."

"Yes you are!" He said, smirking in reply. "I'm just kidding. I'm just happy whenever you're happy."

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