Chapter 5 - The Cheery New Student

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Chapter 5 - The Cheery New Student

Mia's POV

As I arrived at Hearst High, I immediately went to Principal Stewart's office in order for her to know that I'm already at school. For sure she'll give me lots of tasks today... as always. Even if it's school fair, my student council duties doesn't seem to recognize the word "rest". 

"Oh there you are Ms. Sheehan, you just arrived at school on time!" Principal Stewart exclaimed excitedly. 

"Good morning Principal Stewart." I replied, smiling sweetly. Wow, someone's in a good mood. 

"Mr. Plasse has arrived." Principal Stewart said as she gestures her hand to the direction where The new student is sitting. "Mr. Plasse, meet the student council president of Hearst High, Ms. Mia Sheehan. Mia, meet Yuu Plasse, the new student. Give him a warm welcome okay!" She said in one breath, grinning while looking at both of us. 

Yuu Plasse stood up and walked towards me. "What a lovely lady. Nice to meet you Mia, I'm Yuu Plasse." 

He extended his hand with a grin on his face. I extended my hand as well and gave him a handshake. "It's nice to meet you Yuu. I'll make sure you'll get to enjoy your stay here in Hearst High." I said as I smiled back. 

Ohmyyy. He looks more handsome in person! He seems to be friendly. I think we'll get along. 

"With you helping me out, I'm sure I'll get to enjoy my stay here." He replied smoothly, as he smile back at me again. 

Okay. I am not sure now if he is just sweet, a smooth talker, or a future playboy. Either way he seems to be interesting so I'm looking forward to know him more. 

"Well, let's get started. I'll tour you around the campus. Then let's enjoy the school fair afterwards." I suggested. 

"Sounds good. Let's go!" Yuu said happily as he went behind me and get a hold of my shoulders, lightly pushing me towards the door. "We'll be leaving now Principal Stewart! Thanks for the warm welcome!" he exclaimed cheerfully. "Let's go have fun Mia!"

With that, we left the principal's office, him still behind me. "So, tell me about yourself!" he asked me as he now moved to my side. 

"Well, aside from being the student council president I'm just an average teen. I love to eat... uhhh there." I replied not really knowing what to say. There's a lot of descriptions I can think of about myself but I just don't know where to start. Also, I can't say 'hi I'm Mia, Patrick's number one fangirl'... that'll make me sound like I'm a creep or something. 

"Ooooh interesting. I love to eat too! Well I guess everybody loves to eat anyway! It's cool you don't get fat by eating too much!" He replied, smiling at me. His smile looks like an innocent and sincere smile. Cute. 

"Well I guess I'm just lucky, I eat a lot but never gets fat. I guess the same thing goes for you... since you told me that you love to eat too." 

"Yeah, I don't get fat too even if I eat a lot. But hey, at least I've got muscles! See?" he said, flexing his arms while grinning at me. 

I gave out a small chuckle, "Such a show-off!!" 

"But you like it!"

"I do not!"

"As if!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I replied jokingly. "I like you, I think we'll get along." I added, smiling at him. 

"That was fast! Now you like me. What's next? Will you love me tomorrow?" he replied, wiggling his eyebrows jokingly. 

"Geez, not that type of like! I mean, as friend material!" 

"Ouch! That hurts right here!" he jokingly pointed where his heart is. "Did you just placed me in the friendzone?!"

"Wow. Just wow." I said, rolling my eyes. 

He chuckled, "Nah, I'm just kidding! I know what you mean. I think we'll get along too! I'm glad to meet you." he sincerely said as he wrapped his arm on my shoulder. 

"Do you really need to place your heavy arm on my shoulder?" I said jokingly. 

"It's essential. This proves that we are friends already."

"Wow. I didn't even say that we are friends yet." 

"Yet. That means you're about to say so. It's okay, I am acknowledging you as my friend."

"Oh it's an honor to be acknowledged as your friend then!" I replied as I jokingly rolled my eyes. 

"You should be!" He said jokingly followed by a wink. 

"Cocky are we?"

"Nah, it's natural charisma!" he said wiggling his eyebrows again as he grin back at me. 

I chuckled again, "Let's just grab something to eat first. Then I'll tour you around afterwards."

"Sure thing! I'm hungry already! Since you're my new friend and foodtrip buddy, it'll be my treat for today!" he said smiling. 

"Well then, who am I to say no with free food treats?" I replied happily. "I'll take you to an expensive food place then!" I jokingly exclaimed as I placed my arm on his waist as we walk together to go eat somewhere. 


Author's note:

Yay! It's the 5th chapter alreadyyyyy *happy dance*

Now Yuu Plasse is starting to enter into Mia's life. What do you think of him by the way? Do you like his cheery personality? 

Tell me what you think about this chapter (and/or the whole story in general). Share your thoughts and ideas to improve the storyline too! I appreciate all your feedback! :D

Vote and comment! :) 

Thank you for reading my awesome readers! I'll update within this week again (yes, I'm inspired to write lately that's why I am able to update 5 chapters [and counting] within the same week, hahaha). 

Have a nice day everybody!


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