Chapter 1 - School Fair at Hearst High

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Chapter 1 - School Fair at Hearst High

Mia's POV

After all the Mondays that I have to go to school I must say that this is the best Monday ever!!! Why? Well it's the school fair at Hearst High again. It's a one week school activity wherein students gets to relax and enjoy the week as they check out stage performances, have fun with games and rides, as well as enjoy food stalls and shops that has awesome items on sale. 

But this year is more special. It's the 100th year celebration of Hearst High and so our beloved principal, Ms. Nancy Stewart made the school fair a two weeks celebration. Gosh, such back-to-back happiness! Though the second week is more on half reminiscing the good ol' days of the school and half party mode, but still, I don't mind, after all we just finished our midterms, so this two weeks activity means a lot to me and to all the students of Hearst High. Plus the whole campus got turned into a party land! Such ambiance! It looks like a combination of Tomorrowland, Disney Theme Park, and Hong Kong night market! So who am I not to appreciate the two weeks worth of relaxation?

"Mia, here's the list of the bands that are about to perform two days from now. On the next page are the info about the band members and the songs that they're about to perform." My bestfriend Sandra said. She's the vice president of the student council by the way. As the president of the student council, despite all the fun, whenever duty calls I can't say no. Ohwell, it's quite stressful but as an optimist I enjoy the workload. Maybe I'm a workaholic? I really dunno.

"Thanks. I'll update the principal about this and I also need to file this too." I replied, as I took the file and look at the list of bands that were about to perform two days from now. I smiled as my eyes hover at the last band on the list to perform on that day. "I know that smile! It's that omg-I-am-in-la-la-land-of-love smile!!" Sandra said, smiling, as she nudged my shoulder. I smiled wider, she knows how much I love 'Setting Fire to Lithium', the last band that will perform on that day. "And I know that it's because of Patrick, that's why you're smiling so wide you look like the Cheshire cat already. Mia, stop staring at that piece of paper like that... it's getting kinda creepy now." Sandra joked, understanding the never fading smile on my face. "Alright, alright!" I laughed softly as I nudged her shoulder back.

Patrick McKee. Yes, that's the name of the guy that I've been gushing for a looooong time. I started to like him during that one fine summer after third think that I'm on my junior year in high school now I can't help but mentally compute it... I like him for 8 years already... ohmyyy. To think that all I can do is to tail him whenever and wherever I want. I mean he seems to be fine with me doing it, and it's not like that's stalking... right? He's aware of it so I think it's really fine. When did I start tailing him anyway? Come to think of it, ever since he helped me during that day I fell for him already. It's like my heart started to beat fast at that moment and I felt giddy. I don't 'love-love' him yet... I like him, and he knows that. I admitted my feelings for him when we were in fourth grade... though he just said 'thanks'. I dunno if that's a good reply or what. Anyway, it took me years to establish this tailing moment that I can have with him!! Let's face it, he's popular, he's the vocalist of Setting Fire to Lithium, and he's smart. Lot's of girls wanted to have a moment with him and I hate that. But hey, on the bright side, I'm the only girl... well the only fangirl to tail him whenever! BEAT THAT HAH! He's my neighbor so it's a plus factor to my tailing spree, so yeah... Anyway, we're not that close, it's just that he's ok with me tailing him. Well I really have no idea why he's ok with it but maybe because he likes the attention, he has a cocky personality anyway... but whatever his reason is, I don't wanna know for now, maybe the thought, 'ignorance is bliss' works in this situation. Also, I'm still hoping that after all this time that I keep on tailing him, he'll get to realize my existence in a romantic perspective. Sigh, who am I kidding. I still wish for that to happen though... I'm still willing to wait for that moment to happen anytime now.

"Let's go eat something first, I'm starving!" I said as I heard my tummy grumbling, cutting me off on my thoughts. "Plus, around this time, Patrick and his band are in Cafe Hearst, the one near the souvenir stall!" I added, smiling widely. "Fine, fine. I know that you don't waste any second to enjoy your all time favorite eye candy! Plus I wanna chat with the guys anyway... you know, to catch up with the latest news" Sandra said, winking as she tugged my arm towards the direction of the cafe.


Author's Note:

Hello awesome reader! First of all, thank you so much for checking out my story!! <3

Yay! This is my first story on Wattpad!! *insert party poppers popping + happy dance* \:D/

As I enjoy reading stories in here (give me titles of stories that seems like a good read!) I suddenly feel inspired to write. I already have a general plot as to how this story shall go but with the help of my awesome readers I think the story line can still be improved.

Tell me what you think about the first chapter! I think it's kinda short, but no worries, it'll get better! :>

Well I hope that you guys can help me out improve my writing skills, it'll mean so much to me.

Also, vote and comment! I appreciate new thoughts and ideas. :)

Have a good day! I shall update within this week!


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