Chapter 18 - Busted!

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Chapter 18 - Busted!

Mia's POV

My date with Dwayne tonight is nearing its end. 

Overall, the date seemed nice. He's so sweet! He even ordered our tickets beforehand. What's funny is that it's that romantic-comedy movie that I told him that I would love to watch since it's from one of my favorite books. 

I just told him about that once! But he remembered it and did something about it!! Waaaah, plus points for him on that! 

I know he's more into indie films and action-based movies. Also, if he were to pick between cartoon movies versus romantic related movies, he'll gladly take cartoons, no doubt about that. He's a child at heart anyway... like me! But he made an effort to watch something that he's not that really into just for me... wow I commend him for that!

No one ever did that to me. 

Ohwait, who am I kidding? This is my first date ever! My eyes never laid upon to somebody else before. 

I've been 'blindingly' in love with Patrick before. 


Have I really wasted my eight years just for him? What did I even saw in him anyway? 

Did I like him just because... nah, there's no point in going back to that moment eight years ago. For sure he might not even recall that. Who am I to him before, enough that he'll get to remember me?

Maybe it's just me who's been so stuck up in that scene. That moment that occurred between us during summer after third grade. 

Forget that Mia. Move on!!

I wonder what Patrick is doing right now? Has he eaten dinner already? 

Crap. Why am I thinking of him?! And it's even while I'm on a date with Dwayne!!

Geez, forgive me Dwayne, my mind got stuck in a haywire. Gah! I'll dedicate all my attention to you in 3... 2... 1...

"The movie lived up to my expectations! Hahaha. Thanks for watching it with me Dwayne." I said, looking at him as I smile sweetly. 

He placed his arm lightly on my waist as he looked back at me. "I'm glad that you had fun. I have to admit, I like the cinematography." he replied. He shyly said his last statement, a light blush creeping on his cheeks. 

Aww so cuuuute. His cheeks looks so white and plumpy like marshmallows... not that he's fat. I can't help but...

I unconsciously placed my right hand on his right cheek, my knuckles lightly grazing on his cheek. Ahh it's so soft and plumpy. 

Until I realized what I'm doing...

"Ooops. Oh gosh what am I doing? I'm sorry." I said, laughing awkwardly as I look away. Stupid move Mia! Sheesh. 

Dwayne just let out a light chuckle. He pulled my face lightly, enough for me to look back at his face. He slide his index finger on the bridge of my nose as he then lightly pat the endpoint of my nose as he smiled sweetly. "Cute." he said. 

"Hey!" I said in protest but it came out softly. I started to blush a little. 

Ohmyyy get a grip of yourself Mia, forget that awkward moment awhile agoooo. 

But but but --- I like those marshmallow cheeks... so soft

"I see. That's how it goes. You like my cheeks because it's like marshmallows. Soft huh." Dwayne said as he laugh some more. 

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