Chapter 23 - The False Bet Gone Wrong

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Chapter 23 - The False Bet Gone Wrong

Mia's POV

We both rushed to the town's racing circuit where Yuu said Dwayne and some guy planned to have a little illegal competition. As Patrick get to park his car and unlocked the car door, I immediately opened the door beside the passenger seat as I walked briskly to the circuit. 

"Mia!" Yuu called out as he waved signaling me where they are. "Just in time, they were about to start." 

I glanced behind Yuu to see Dwayne and some guy starting to have a heated conversation. Urging myself to step in right then and there, Patrick immediately get a hold of my arm, stopping me from what I'm supposed to be doing. 

"Don't. It's their fight." He calmly stated as he looked towards their direction. 

"And now what, we won't stop them at all?" I replied, raising my eyebrows questioningly. 

He gave out an unsure shrug as he let out a small sigh. "Look, we'll stop them before bruises and blood spurt come into play, but they're just talking so I think let's just let them be for now."

"Wow. We didn't rush here just to see them do those." I said as I signaled my hand towards their direction. "Whatever. This needs to stop." I said as I quickly made my way towards them. It's a bit too late for Patrick to stop me. 

"Babe! You're here! You're about to see one of the best car racing everrrr!" Dwayne said, slurring his words as he gave me a flirty wink. 

I wrinkled my nose as he does that gesture. "You're drunk." I flatly stated. 

"Nah! Just a few shots, no biggie." he smugly replied giving off a dismissive wave. 

"Care to tell me why does a car race about to take place now?" I calmly asked as I raised an eyebrow at him as I gave a quick glance to the guy that he is arguing with. 

"Well, as you can see..." Dwayne trailed as he gave a quick sideway glance at the guy. "He wanted to have a mini competition because he told me that I am worse in everything and it pissed me off. So here I am, willing to prove to him that I can ace things whenever and wherever I wanted to." 

I just gaped at what he said. "Are you serious? You're not at the right state of mind I'm telling you." 

"Pffffft. I'm just trying to prove a point here. Now if you'll excuse me, I still have to make my point right." Dwayne stated, giving off a smug look. "Plus, I'm doing this for you."

"What? Now what does it have to do with me?" I asked not understanding whatever he is saying at all. Well, what do I expect; I'm talking to a drunk right now. 

"For you to realize that you should've dated me instead of him." Dwayne flatly stated a he points his finger towards Patrick's direction. 

"Dwayne, what's wrong with you?" I asked in a calm manner. I am not getting anything out of what he is saying. 

"You see, I chose to get drunk upon knowing that you chose to date Patrick after all those time that he neglected your feeling." Dwayne said, furrowing his eyebrows. "I was there when you need someone to comfort you. I was there whenever you feel alone. I was there whenever you need help, yet where did that shiz hooplah led me? To nowhere with you." he added, frowning. 

"So you're mad at me?"

"Not mad. Rather, frustrated how you still decided to chose Patrick than me. We dated once, didn't you feel a spark? You know what, I did." 

And I don't know what to say anymore. So basically he's in this situation because of me neglecting his feelings for him which made him feel worse? And now he thinks that he's a failure in all aspects of life. Woah. Where on earth did all those incessant feelings came from. "Well, we tried if we'll click. But-" I said but Dwayne cut me off. 

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