Chapter 15 - Awkward Conversations and Subtle Efforts

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Chapter 15 - Awkward Conversations and Subtle Efforts

Mia's POV

"Seriously?! You said those things to Patrick??!" Sandra said, flabbergasted as I told her every single detail of what happened yesterday. "I can't believe you said that... woah."

"What is it that you can't believe, Sandy dearie?" Jeremiah chimed in. As per timing, he's heading towards our direction and is within earshot.

I just keep on getting the things that I needed for my first class in my locker. For sure without me talking, Sandra will be able to fill in all the details to him. 

"Summarized point, Mia told Patrick yesterday that she's already giving up her feelings towards him! She has finally moved on!" Sandra said, squeaking a little. 

Jeremiah's eyes suddenly went wide. He looked at my direction with a huge grin on his face. "No way, you finally did it!"

"Yeah, I should've realized this earlier. Ohwell~" I replied, shrugging. 

"Wait 'til the rest of the band knows this!" Jeremiah said excitedly as he shoved his phone from his pocket, sending a group message to the other band members as if he had just received the best news of the century. I just rolled my eyes as Sandra giggled at the same time in relation to Jeremiah's reaction. 

"Well now that you're as free as a bird, we can now go mingle with other boys and have fun!" Sandra said excitedly. Yep, that is my best friend, the laid-back, happy-go-lucky girl. 

"I'm not tied to Patrick in the first place... I just happen to choose the path of tailing him before, that's all!" I replied defensively. 

"Stop acting defens

ive girlie. Past is past, let's just forget about that and have fun!" Sandra said cheerfully. "Right Jer?"

"Of course! Now at least I won't hold back when it comes to Mia." he replied in a flirty voice as his head tilted a little towards my direction. 

"Goodness Jeremiah, go behave will you!" I retorted. 

"Aww come on Mia! You're no fun!" Jeremiah replied, fake pouting. 

"Hey, was Jeremiah's text message true??!" Dwayne suddenly arrived and is now joining in our conversation. "What did he say about it? Are you okay? Did things end up well?" 

"Calm down Dwayne, I'm fine, he's fine, everything's fine. There's nothing to worry about." I calmly said, reassuring him that everything has been resolved. 

Technically speaking it's already a resolved issue... right? Patrick didn't argue about it, in fact he seems to be completely fine with it. He felt sorry about it and it seems that he won't do anything about it anyway. So what else should there be to look into? It's over right? 

"That's it? No lingering feelings whatsoever?" Dwayne asked curiously. 

"I'm over him, that's all I can say." I replied nonchalantly. Whether they'll believe me or not, I don't care anymore. As long as I know to myself that it's over, then it's completely over. 

"Now I finally have a chance." he muttered under his breath that I wasn't able to catch on what he's saying. 

"What is it Dwayne?"

"Ahh, nothing. Anyway, I need to go to class now, first bell has rung already, just in case you haven't noticed." he said, winking at me. What's up with these boys getting all flirty? Awhile ago it's Jeremiah, now him. Tch, what's with them?

I headed with Jeremiah and Sandra since we're both classmates on our first subject. Dwayne is classmates with Patrick, Brendon, and Caleb so for sure they'll get to talk about the issue at hand. Ohhh please, I hope they just drop this issue and forget about it. 

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