Chapter 8 - Waiting Until Third Strike?

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Chapter 8 - Waiting Until Third Strike?

Mia's POV

My eyes fluttered as the sunlight seeps through my window. I forgot to close my curtains last night. I made a gruntled sound as I am not yet ready to meet the day. Ughhhh, I can still here my bed calling my name, why should I leave this bed? Plus I'm pretty sure my comfy, fluffy blanket will miss me.

I suddenly remember that I have to go to school early for I will assist the organizers for today's event. It's concert day today at Hearst High, the one everybody is waiting for. All the bands in our school will perform a couple songs until midnight! Yes, Principal Stewart allowed us just this year to end the concert at midnight. We made sure that we'll be responsible kids for that event. No alcoholic drinks, only mocktails. Ahhh, thank God we're also celebrating the 100th year of our school, if not, the event will not be made possible!

As I excitedly get up on my bed and start preparing to start my day right, I suddenly remembered that since today is an important event, I have to wake up Patrick.


Thoughts about yesterday's event occurred on my mind. Am I now really ready to give up my feelings for him? I am not even sure what happened after he left with those girls. What if they just did hangout?

What if they did more than just hanging out?

Wow dear conscience, how supportive of you.

I'm just stating a more realistic ‘what If’... it's Patrick we're talking about in here anyway.


Should I look for further signs? I mean, I should further assess the situation. Deep inside, I know that Patrick isn't that type of guy... right?

Okay, three strikes. I'll give up by then.

The ladies from yesterday are counted as his first strike, two more strikes.

Oh please, if I know you're hoping that his first strike will be his last strike.

Can't I hope for the best?! Ughhh, annoying conscience!

Everybody is now annoying... the girls from yesterday, Patrick himself, my stupid feelings for him, and even myself. Ugh, whatever.

I'm now decided. I'll go and wake up Patrick today with all smiles. Breathe in, breathe out Mia... things will get better today.

After I took a shower I looked into my walk-in closet as to see what I can wear for today. I guess I'll wear this red sundress with sea life prints for today. I mean, I want Patrick to see that I can dress well on special occasions.

After I wore the sundress I just applied my favorite strawberry flavored tinted lip balm. Just keep it simple.  I wore my comfy black flats after that.

I looked at my full size mirror with stand. Hey, I look nice, I even feel pretty confident with my look for today. I grinned as I look at my reflection.

Here it is, I'll go wake him up now.


As I am heading to his bedroom, I didn't even bother barging in again. Today, I shall try a different approach; I'll knock three times, open the door, walk towards his bed, and tickle him. HAHAHA I'm looking forward to see his epic reaction to that!

As I knocked three times and opened the door, I saw that he didn't even get stirred by that. He's still in deep slumber.

And not just that...

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