Chapter 19 - Hearst Radio

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Chapter 19 – Hearst Radio

Mia's POV


Am I dreaming? Did I just heard Patrick right? 

He likes me. 

He is falling for me. 

As in? 

But why now? After all these years...

Also, I'm about to give Dwayne a chance. Why does Patrick want to enter the picture now? 

Could it be that he realized these things the moment I stepped out of his life? I think he somehow mentioned that...

Ughhhh. WHY NOW?

I like Patrick for eight years... now that he's saying that he likes me back... who am I not to say no to that??!

Wait wait wait

But the thing is Dwayne is starting to show affection towards me. I know it's still too early to decide if he's the one since we have just dated once. Still, his intentions towards me seem genuine. Who am I not to give him a chance to prove him worthy of my love?

Sigh. I don't wanna think about this right now. For the meantime, I'll be pushing these thoughts at the back of my mind. 

It's lunchtime yet here I am, stuck with paperworks. I told Sandra to tell the others that I won't be joining them for lunch. 

"Mia, something's up." Sandra said the moment she had stepped foot in the student council office. 

"What is it?" I instantly asked. What could it possibly be?

"The DJs for today's school radio show are both sick!! Airing starts in 30 minutes." she explained. 

"What?! Wait, what about the other DJs? Can't they take the spot first, even just for today?" I asked. 

"They can't. They also have other errands to do. Oh no, what are we gonna do?" she replied, worriedly. "The principal has visitors today, for sure Principal Stewart will mention about the school's radio show! To think that it's lunchtime ughhhh, a lot of people will be listening! What can we do?" she replied as she walks back and forth for almost four times already... and counting. 

Suddenly, an idea popped inside my head. 

"Aha! I have an idea!" I said excitedly. Sandra just looked at me with hopeful eyes. 

I called Yuu because I remembered that he does play the synthesizer. Why can't he take the role of becoming a school dj for just today?

After less than 5 minutes I heard a knock on the student council office door. Yuu opened the door slowly as he peek inside. 

"Thank goodness you're here already! That was fast!" I said, sighing in relief. 

"Well you told me it's an emergency. I even had to run quickly just to get in here as fast as I can." Yuu replied, huffing a little. Figures. He did run, I'm sure of it. "So, what's the 'emergency' all about?"

"The school dj's that are assigned for today's radio show are both absent because they're sick. We can't find a substitute right now since the other dj's have other errands that need to be accomplished." Sandra explained. 

"I remembered that you told us you play the synthesizer. So, is it okay if you get to be the substitute dj? Just for today!! Please?" I said, getting straight to the main point. I look at him with so much plead in my eyes. 

"Please please please! Airing starts in 25 minutes!" Sandra added as she showed her puppy eyes look for more effect. 

Please say yes, please say yes. 

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