Chapter 31 - Expect the Unexpected

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Chapter 31 - Expect the Unexpected

Patrick's POV

"We're here." I announced. I can't believe that this will happen to me. Am I bringing the princess to the prince? What am I now in their lives, their butler?

Hours ago, I was truly happy that Mia wanted to open up to me so our relationship will get stronger than before.

Guess I was wrong.

In just a few moments, everything went crashing through. It hurts a lot that she is now having second thoughts about me, about us.

Is it game over now? Is this my real purpose in life, becoming an instrument to bring them together?

So much for my happy ending, huh.

How I wish that it was me. I should've been the one who saved her from those bullies back then! Geez, playing video games didn't bring me any good.

Am I jealous of Killian now? Absolutely.

I hardly imagine myself bringing my girlfriend to my brother, not for me to show him that I finally found the girl of my dreams, but more on, to show him that she was the one he saved. And that girl, which is my girlfriend, likes him a lot. That after all, it was him that she likes and not me.

Crazy life, isn't it?

Shall I send my story to some writer or something? I might get a few bucks out of this misery. A movie or a novel out of this life of mine can suffice... at least for a little while.

"S-shall we?" Mia asked, bringing me out of my reverie. "Okay, c'mon." I replied quickly.

I'm still not ready to accept how things turned out between us. I don't want her to leave me. But who am I to hold her back from
something, or someone that will make her truly happy? Right now, it seems to me that Killian is what will make her happy.

But what about me now? Oh god, I am selfish. Maybe that's the reason why these things happened to me. And I had to learn it the hard way.

Being selfless. That is what it all boils down into. The key to happiness is by becoming selfless... and by being able to love someone unconditionally no matter what the circumstances are.

I shall brace myself from what's about to unfold then.

I went to his front door as I ring the doorbell. I quickly glanced at Mia who is looking nervous.

A few seconds later, he opened the door.

Mia's POV

"Brother." Killian said in a surprised tone.

"Killian." Patrick said. "What brings you here?" Killian asked. "Well I want you to meet someone..." Patrick trailed.

Killian's eyebrows starts to furrow, "Who?"

"The one you saved from bullies summers ago."

Killian then looked behind Patrick. He looked at me in the eye trying to recognize if there had been any tug of familiarity at all.

Oh god, what shall I do now?

Him looking at me intensely feels like forever. Then suddenly, everything seemed to click in his head. "Mia? Is that you already?"

And then my anxious demeanor relaxed. He did remember me. He knows my name! He did remember my name!


"Mia! It was so good to see you!" he suddenly rushed to where I was standing, then he hugged me tight. "How are you? Are they still bullying you? Tell me where they are and I shall make sure they won't be able to see another tomorrow."

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