Chapter 9 - Uh-oh, Third Strike!

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Chapter 9 - Uh-oh, Third Strike!

Yuu's POV

It's been a fine day today to the point that I can't help but smile at the students, teachers, and staff that I am randomly meeting along the hallways. I even greeted some of them good morning. 

As I am walking aimlessly I saw a girl in a red dress. Hmm, she looks familiar. 

That's until she turned to walk towards my way that I realized who she is... it's Mia. 

We just met yesterday but from that first time we talked I felt the sudden connection. The way she looks at me, her sincere smile, as well as her laughter that sounds music to my ears. Everything about her makes me feel giddy inside. Okay, that sounds girly but I don't care... that's what I felt. 

I don't believe in love at first sight but... can't I just at least say that I instantly had a crush on her? If I were to explain the reason why, I just don't know... I just felt it. That spark that I can't explain, ughh I hope you get what I'm saying. 

But then she likes someone else, a guy named Patrick. What's worse is that she's blindingly in love with that guy. Obviously, Patrick doesn't have a thing for her so I really have no idea what keeps her going. I mean, the signs were completely laid out right in front of her. She's aware of all those warning signs yet she still chooses to persuade on pushing her feelings towards that guy. To think that Patrick seems to be a player. 

Also, for some reason, why do I have a feeling that Patrick doesn't like me? From the moment we met even though he said he wanted me to feel welcomed I just can't feel the sincerity. He seems to not even like my presence in here. To think that I didn't do anything wrong to him... right?

"Oh hey Yuu, you're such an earlybird today huh!" She said, smiling, breaking me from my thoughts. 

"Yeah, I just wanted to tour around the campus by myself. You know, to be more familiar in here, as well as to enjoy the fair." I said shrugging. "You look stunning today."

"Only for today?" She joked. 

"Unfortunately, yes." I said, mocked sighing. She just rolled her eyes as she gave out a chuckle. "Anyway why are you here early?"

"I need to assist the concert organizers." She simply said, shrugging. "You know, presidential duties."

"Aw man, does that mean we won't be able to hang out today?" I asked, dramatically making a puppy dog face. I'm kind of hoping to spend more time with her, just like yesterday. 

She laughed. "Don't do that, you look silly!" She said. "Of course we can still hang out! After all, the organizers wanted to do all the preparations on their own, so most likely they won't be asking for my help that much."

"Ohhh, so that's how it goes. Then, care to join me eat breakfast right now?" I asked. Hopefully she'll say yes. 

"I can join you but I already have something to eat for breakfast." She said as she shoved up her paper bag to show me. 

"Ooooh, what's in there?" 

She grinned. "Blueberry waffles, my favorite!" 

"You made those waffles?" I asked curiously. 

Her grin somehow faltered. Did I just say something wrong? 

"Nah, Cynthia gave this to me, she said that I need food to keep me going from my presidential duties." She said, lightly smiling. "Cynthia is Patrick's mom by the way."



And with that I don't know what to say next. 

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