Chapter 10 - I Think...

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Chapter 10 - I Think...

Patrick's POV

We're currently at the backstage mingling with other bands that will be performing in a couple of minutes. Some tune in their guitars for the last time while some are just goofing around. 

Caleb and Jeremiah are playing Tap Tap Revenge 4. They're having a bet as to who'll gonna treat dinner later. Anyway, Dwayne is busy eating cheese popcorn while listening to music. He's currently on his own bubble so we're not bothering to disturb him at all right now. He always do that whenever we're about to perform on-stage, it's like a habit or a ritual I suppose. Brendon on the other hand is busy mingling with other bands; he's trying to get some free music sheets from them. He likes to read music sheets during his spare time; he said it's something about his way of getting inspiration as he creates his own music. 

Anyway, here I am, a mere observer to whatever is happening in here as we wait for the organizers to give us the cue. I'm reading Archie comics right now but I can't get past the second bubble of Reggie's thought about Archie and Veronica's plan for a dinner date as my mind seems to be wandering elsewhere. 

Where's Mia? She hasn’t checked us out from the moment we were asked to go backstage. Usually she's even the one who ushers us and keeps us entertained while waiting for our turn to perform. What happened now? 

Suddenly seems to be voicing out my thoughts Dwayne asked out of the blue, as he removes his earphones, "Hey, where's Mia anyway? I haven't seen her yet as of today."

"Yeah! I haven't talked to her the whole afternoon." Caleb replied absentmindedly as he's still trying to beat Jeremiah on the game. 

"I guess she's busy with presidential duties." I shrugged, as if I don't care. 

"I think I saw her at Cafe Hearst awhile ago with the new guy. I think she just hasn’t seen us awhile ago." Jeremiah added. 

That's impossible. We looked at each other in the eye at the cafe awhile ago. 

"Seriously? She's been spending more time touring that new guy! For sure he won't get lost in here." Dwayne said, rolling his eyes. 

I have to agree on that. C'mon our school is not as big as the whole 50 states of America, combined altogether. In just a day he'll be able to know the places he needed to be familiar with around the campus. Unless Yuu does make Mia accompany him on purpose. He seems to like Mia anyway. 

Jealous much?

Of course not! Geez conscience, shut up. 

Then why are you looking for her?

Ughh. Just shut up. 

What's wrong with me? I feel like missing her presence. Since when did I felt like this?! 

Nah, it's just because for a consistent fan like her, it just feels wrong that she's not so clingy right now, especially that we're about to perform on-stage today. For sure she hasn’t forgotten about this. She’s even more excited about this than us.

"Hey guys, it's your turn to come on-stage!" Mia said, grinning. 

Wow. Now she decided to show up. Talk about timing. 

"Hey! Why did you just show up now? That's unfair!" Brendon suddenly popped out of nowhere. 

"Umm, I've been helping the organizers so I wasn't able to check you guys out." She said, as she tried to get her focus into anything as long as it's not us. 

What's wrong with her? 

"Alright guys, let's give them a performance that they'll never forget!" I said, redirecting the conversation. "We'll talk to you later Mia. Don't forget to sit in front while we perform." I added as I gave out a playful wink.

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