Chapter 4 - Sleep Tight and Wake-up Right

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Chapter 4 - Sleep Tight and Wake-up Right

Mia's POV

Later that night, I can't help but look at the files again about Yuu Plasse. He seems to have an interesting life, and he seems to be quite a talented guy. Plus with his school records from his previous school I have to admit, he's a smart one too. 

Anyway, that's not the point as to why I keep on checking out his files all over again. Yeah, yeah, he looks cute with his 6 foot height plus he has blue eyes that looks like the color of the sky on a fine, sunny day. Not to mention his blond hair that is styled in a bed-hair like look, for some reason he looks like a surfer dude model, with the charismatic lean body and cute smile. Waaaah. 

Okay dear self, enough of this hot images of him. Patrick's still way hotter than him! HAH!

Going back to my real point, I'm just preparing myself in welcoming him tomorrow, of course I would like to give him a good first impression towards the school and the students... especially to me, the student council president. I need to look presentable enough and I have to make sure that things will go smoothly tomorrow. 

Just as I was about to go prepare the clothes that I'm about to wear for tomorrow so that I won't rush things by then, I got distracted by the sound of small rocks being thrown at my window. Who on Earth might be doing that at this hour? What if by the time I looked outside my window I'll get to see no one? Is this like in horror films that a monster will come out after the protagonist got distracted and all? Oh please, I'm too young to die... and be killed by a monster or a ghost! 

Ok I think I'm just overreacting as always. With the continuous sound of small stones being thrown at my window I started to open my curtains and look outside. 

Oh my God. I can't believe what I'm seeing now. I opened my window the moment I saw someone smirking right back at me. 

"I knew it, you're still awake." Patrick said, smiling smugly as he stands outside his bedroom balcony. "I didn't know Ms. Goody Goody sleeps late."

Omg this scenario is like those in chick-flick movies wherein the guy wanted to see the girl and all but it's late at night, so he'll do the unexpected and make things possible for him. Isn't that romantic? Waaaaah, is it this moment already? Ohmyyyyy. Dear God, thank you for answering my prayers!!

"Hey, don't you know it's 2:30am already? And are you just gonna stand there and gape at my handsome face?" He added, smirking again. "I know that I'm that irresistible but can you just do your 'I'm-checking-you-out' moment in a bit more subtle way?" He added, now laughing. 

Oh. So it's not yet that romantic moment. Sighhh. Ohwell, at least he talked to me first!! That counts as something... right?

"Oh gosh of course not! Geez, don't be so full of yourself." I replied jokingly. Honestly I'm not gaping at him!!! Ok, maybe I did, but it's because I'm still in my fantasy mode... of him and I having a romantic moment anytime now. "Wait, did you just said that it's 2:30am already?!" I gasped. I didn't realized how fast the time must've passed. Well it's actually more on me trying to change the subject. "Then why are you still awake? Is something wrong? Do you need something? What can I do for you?" I added as concern course through me. When it comes to Patrick I am willing to do anything for him just so he'll feel comfortable and happy all the time. 

"Wowowow. Wait, stop right there. You've bombarded me with lots of questions!" He said, chuckling. "Chill kiddo. I'm totally fine! I just got home from a party okay. I also can't sleep so I thought I can just chill outside my balcony for a bit and breathe some fresh air. Turns out someone's bedroom lights are still on. I know you always turn the lights off when you go to sleep." He said, shrugging.

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