Chapter 17 - The Spying Duo

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Chapter 17 - The Spying Duo

Patrick's POV

It's been three freakin' days since I last talked to Mia. 

And it feels so frustrating in my part. 

We are neighbors yet we don't talk. We are classmates in almost all our classes but we don't talk. There are even times that I'm her seat mate yet we don't talk. We sit on the same group during lunchtime but we don't talk. Hell, we're even on the same group of friends yet we don't talk. 


I can't do anything about it because it's what she wants. Plus every time I try to get close to her she keeps on distancing herself. I'm not even sure if our friends notice that but geez, can she at least acknowledge my presence? I'm like an invisible guy to her! She never looks at my direction. Not even once!! Not even a quick glance or a sudden eye to eye contact, nothing!

It's sad to know how things ended between us. Also, what's sad is that she never checks us out during band practice anymore. Though she still talk to the other members of the band and she still hang out with us along with Sandra and Yuu, she never paid attention to anything I say or to anything that I do. It's like she can't see me, it's like I'm not around... as simple as that.

Yet here I am, falling for her day by day.

"See you later Dwayne!" A feminine voice spoke from a distance within earshot. 

Is that Mia?

I quickly glanced to where she is and true enough it is Mia talking to Dwayne. 

And she seems happy. 

As if on cue we did have a sudden eye to eye contact...

1... 2... 3... oh there you go, it only takes three seconds before she look away from me. 

Ain't that freakin' three seconds an improvement?!! SIGH. 

She left afterwards. Dwayne saw me looking at their direction so he's now coming my way. Great. 

"What's up bro?" Dwayne said as we did a brofist. 

"Nothin' much. You?" I replied. Hopefully he'll get to tell about what they talked about awhile ago. 

"Mia and I will have a date later." he beamed. 

I seemed to be taken aback to the point that I think I forgot to breathe. Did he just say... date? 

"A d-date? The two of you?" I asked just to confirm if what I've heard is correct. 

"Yeah man! God, I've been waiting for this to happen. I'm so glad Mia said yes!" he replied enthusiastically. 

I felt a sudden pang in my heart. No way. Dwayne and Mia... together on a!

"No way..." I breathed. 

"Yes way man!" he retorted back, still grinning. "I know man, I know... I can't believe it too! Yet, woah!"


"Oh it's a secret man! No copying of dating strategies!" he replied jokingly. 

"Of course." I said in reply as I gave out a dry laugh. 

Ohh don't you worry Dwayne, I'll do whatever it takes to find it out. 

"Well I gotta leave now bro. Gotta prepare for the... you know..." he trailed, and with a pat on the back he began to walk by the school's main hall, about to leave the school premises. 

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