Chapter 22 - Well Spent (Part 2)

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Chapter 22 - Well Spent (Part 2)

Patrick's POV

"Always remember, bend your knees a little as you glide." I said, holding Mia's hand as I guide her. "Yes, yes, like that... left right left right... you're doing it well!"

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that I'm starting to get the hang of this!" Mia squealed excitedly as she glided slowly but surely. 

"I know you can do it!" I exclaimed, feeling confident of her capacity. "I'll start to let your hand go..."

"Waaaah wait wait wait!! Not yet!!" She said, panicking a little that made her stumble a bit. "Woah woah"

"Careful!" I said as I hold her hand tighter. "Relax Mia, you can do it on your own now. Trust me."

"I'm not so sure about that yet." Mia replied, shrugging her shoulders. "...but let's give it a try then?"

I just smiled and nodded at her in reply. Little by little, I start to let go of her hand while she keeps on gliding on the sheet of ice. 

"Hey! I can do it now! See!" She exclaimed cheerily as she keeps on gliding. I had finally let go of her hand. 

"You're doing well Mia! I told you, you can really do it!" I replied back happily. It felt like an achievement unlocked or something. 

"Weeee~" Mia said as she keeps on gliding. Her expression seems like a kid who is so happy that she learned how to walk. Priceless. "Thank you Patrick!" she added, as she turned her head at my direction. Suddenly, she got out of balance. 

"Careful!" I exclaimed as I glide towards her. I was too late; she fell down the ice already. 

"Ouch. My butt hurts." she said as she tries to sit on the ice as she lightly rubs her butt. 

"You okay Mia? I told you to be careful! Does it hurt a lot?" I asked worriedly. 

She just looked up to see me standing. "Well..." she said, pouting her lips in a cute way. "It's ouchie." 

I started to bend a little, so I can help Mia stand up. "Can you stand?" I asked, still worried because she seems to have been really feeling in pain. 

To my surprise, she pulled me enough to get me out of balance as well which ended up me sliding towards her. "Woah woah woah!!" I exclaimed. 

As I'm pretty sure I'm about to fall face first, good thing Mia had grabbed my shoulders to at least lessen the impact of my supposedly falling flat towards the ice floor. "Woah, slow down there young man! Don't be in a hurry to kiss the floor!" Mia said as she started to laugh. 

"Hey that's not funny!" I exclaimed as I started to regain some balance to at least be in a sitting position. 

"Aww come on! That was epic!" she retorted back as she flashed her bright smile. 

"Nope." I huffed, crossing my arms. 

"Gotcha! You're such a worrywart! I'm fine you know!" she replied. "It's nice to sit in here actually so I just wanted you to join me in here." she added as she gave me a grin. 

"Hey! You should've just told me you wanted me to join your sitting spree in here than pull me enough to make me out balanced!" I replied. 

"Nahhh! Where's the fun in that?" Mia responded as she gestured a dismissive wave jokingly. 

"Mia!!" I exclaimed exasperatedly. 

"Patrick!!" Mia mimicked me in an exaggerated way. 

"Stop copying me!" I replied. 

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