Chapter 2 - The Cafe Blues

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Chapter 2 - The Cafe Blues

Mia's POV

By the time we arrived at Cafe Hearst I immediately saw the band. Wonder how easy I managed to spot them despite how crowded the cafe is? It's by the amount of girls surrounding a specific spot.

As always their band is being surrounded by lots of girls. From middle high schoolers to college girls, the band has a huge fan base. In school, there are lots of aspiring musicians but the most well-known band is Setting the Fire to Lithium, their band. Come to think of it, I still have no idea why they named their band as such, so much for being a fangirl huh. But really, they never explained the reason why they named their band as such. For me, it sounds like a Science experiment or something. Ohwell, if they want that mysterious twist in their band life then so be it.

For some reason, no matter what day or occasion it is the boys gets to receive lots of gifts from their fans, from food to clothing, name it and they actually have it. Sometimes I can roughly estimate that the number of gifts they receive can help them survive for a year. Hahaha, yeah... that many!

Like those fans, I have to admit that I am one of them, but I believe that I am different than them. Yes, I admire their band but I have loved them even waaaay before my elementary years. I've been a silent witness to the moment that they are planning to create a band up to the first time they played on stage. I was there every step of their way to stardom. Well that sounds crazy on my part but really... that's how much I adore them. Okay, let's just say that I've been able to witness them grow and improve through time because of that certain someone. *wink wink*

I lived my whole school life with Patrick as my inspiration. Ever since that 'summer after third grade moment' occurred, things have changed between us. I start to recognize his existence and I start to tail him like a lovesick puppy. Though the only difference is I'm not a puppy... but the lovesick part? Maybe.

I guess after that moment before, I started to realize that I'm starting to fall in love with him. I'm not sure if this is 'love-love' already, but I know that I care for him... a lot. Right now I'm just a fangirl in his eyes but I really hope that one day he'll get to recognize my feelings and that he'll take me seriously.

I like every bit of him. His fair white, smooth complexion, his lean body, he has abs but not that scary monster abs... it's more on like an Abercrombie & Fitch model type, not buff but a good body built. His chestnut brown hair looks so soft that I can't help but imagine my hands trailing unto his hair. He also stands at 5'11... tall enough for me since I'm a 5'5 anyway. Gosh, imagine if I get to hug him... me on my tippy toes and him leaning down for me to reach him. WAAAAAH!! Plus his green eyes, they're like glassy emeralds, such a fine gem. I like the way he looks at people, so endearing, you can see the life on his eyes.

Of course not everything is just about his physical looks. He's smart and has a good personality. With his laid-back personality, he still manages to be at the Top 10 of the class! Ughh, he's so cool! Also, he's really cocky... I'm not quite sure if that's just his facade or his true personality. Either way, I'm more than willing to find out who he really is. I want to know him more. Sure I know a lot about him all thanks to my tailing sprees whenever I get to catch him but what I wanna know is who he really is in a more private light. I wanna know his true emotions and thoughts towards things. Guess I'm the type of person to read too much of one's actions to understand one's personality. Well, if it's about him, I'm always more than willing to know more about him.

As Sandra and I walk closer to their table, the more that I realize how pretty their fangirls are. I mean there is a high probability that one of them can make Patrick fall in love with them. I dunno. For some reason, he's kind of a player. He enjoys the company of girls... a lot. He never sticks to one girl. For him, girls are like his past time. He even change girls just like how often he change clothes. I'll tell you one thing, Patrick's a neat freak, he wants things organized and clean, and he always wants to look good and fresh. He even has a mini closet in his locker! Swear, I sometimes think his neat ways are just for the purpose of impressing the girls. Well, that's just my assumption.

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