Chapter 26 - Overture

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Chapter 26 - Overture

Patrick's POV

Wow. It's been three days yet flashbacks of last week's event keeps on replaying in my head.

I felt it... the sparks, I mean. It's there, I'm sure of it.

But that was just a drunk kiss you silly!

Shut up brain. For once, allow me to savor that. Don't ruin the moment.

I'm your brain, so technically it's still you who's thinking that thought, I'm just processing it. Jeez.

I better stop arguing with my brain. This is crazy.

Anyway, it's just 9 o'clock in the morning. Too early to get out of bed. I mean, c'mon it's summer! I should get more sleep than usual. Ohwell. I can't go back to sleep anymore. I still can't move on from what happened three days ago.

Mia kissed me. That was real. She did kiss me. Gahd, it feels so right back then. Actually, it still feels right until now... but...

I guess things are different now. She's sober now. Does she still mean what she did to me last time?

Well, more on, does she even remember it? I haven't talked to her yet. The last time I talked to her was the day after that. She had a massive hangover back then but I was there to take care of her. I'm kind of scared if she'll get awkward by the time her hangover is gone. What if she remembered it and then she didn't even mean to do that?

She talked to me last time so that means we're cool... right? But what if she remembered everything now? Shall I talk to her to know if she remembers it or not?

Our friendship is starting to get better. I don't want to ruin my chances with her. Not this time. I know I somewhat told her that I like her, but I'm not sure if she believed it.

Arghh. What to do?

Mia's POV

Why is it that it feels like I have to remember something but I don't know what it is? Something feels strange.

Wait a sec. Where's my phone? It's ringing. Oh it's just on my bedside table, silly me.


"Hi. It's me, Patrick." He said, chuckling nervously.

I made a playful eye roll. "Your name is registered on my phone, you silly." I chuckled in reply. "What's up?"

"Well, uhh. I just wanna know if you feel better now?" He asked.

Aww that's so sweet of him to ask. Oh wait, I'm still on the phone. "Yep, much better than yesterday. I've fully recovered. I swear, I won't drink like that ever!"

He chuckled. "You say that every single time."

"Hey I do not!" I countered.

"Yes you do. But it's okay, I'll always be here to help you in your hangover whenever."

"Aww that's sweet. Thank you." I replied. I don't know what to say actually. Ughhh. Think Mia, think! "So..." I added. Geez, I suck at starting conversations.

"So..." He responded. "Ah, have you eaten already?"

Cue grumbling tummy sounds here. I haven't eaten yet and it's already 2 in the afternoon. "Actually, I haven't eaten lunch yet."

"Wanna grab some pizza downtown?"

"Sure! I'm actually craving for pizza right now!"

"Great! Oh and let's eat ice cream afterwards." He added.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you in 10 minutes!" I replied, smiling. Okay, I know he can't see me smile, but still!

"Stop smiling like a cheshire cat in there." He commented. I can imagine him smirking.

I looked at the window and true enough he is looking at me, a smirk plastered on his face. "Shut up!" I playfully said while waving a hello at him. He waved back as well. "See you!"

"Wait. Don't bother going here. I'll just go there okay. See you in 10 minutes!" He replied, smiling at me. Before I protest he already hung up the phone.

Okay. What to wear? I guess I should go for casual attire right? After all, I'm just gonna go downtown to eat lunch with him anyway, just like old times.

Psh. You think it's a date, huh.

Shush brain, I didn't think of his invite as such.

Remember, you kissed him three days ago.

Wait what?!! I kissed him??!

Oh wait. I did.

And just like that, it suddenly clicked. Flashback of that night started to sink in from my consciousness.

Oh gosh. How am I gonna face him now? He'll be here in less than 5 minutes!

This is awkward. Waaaaah. What to do, what to do??!


Author's Note:

Aaaaand I'm back! Woohoo! Happy holidays dear readers <3 I missed you all!

I've been so busy finishing my masters degree so I wasn't able to update this story of mine, and it has been months already! Huhu sorry! >_<

Anyway, I'm done with my masters degree *cue graduation march music* so I finally have the time to update. Yay!

I actually have to re-read my story all over because I somewhat forgotten how the story should go. Whoops.

Anyway, here's the update (finally)! :D Vote and comment if ever, heehee. Your feedbacks are really helpful. I want to improve my story and writing style so I really take into consideration every comment that you're giving me. :)

Thank you for reading my story. I really appreciate it! I'll be adding another chapter within this week so stay tuned!

Enjoy your day! Stay awesome dear readers! >:D<

P.S. Random question: What's your Christmas wish for this year? :>


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