Why I like you Raph 2012! x reader

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( Idea: Imagine a scenario where you're feeling insecure or unsure of yourself. You've known the turtles for a long time and started dating Raph and had a great time. Until you started to wonder about his feelings for you. Raph picks up on it and is determined to show you and tell you why you're his girl.)

Dating Raph is the best, a dream come true for you. Getting to know the red masked vigilante was definitely one of the most exciting parts in your life from the moment you learnt of his and his brothers existence. When he confessed his feelings to you, you were certain your heart went straight through the roof. Did you hear right? you were not dreaming?? 

You couldn't believe it! In a good way. So what was the problem? 

You began to wonder if you might be boring as a partner for him. After all, Raph must've met lots of cool and heroic people. He had a killer smile that many could love.

But, what if he stopped liking you?

You had heard some stories from his brothers...

* Flashback*

Mikey, " Raph never liked humans much. Once he had a fight with Casey because he wasn't as fast as him when they were patrolling the city. 

But they're cool no prob. Sometimes he thinks humans are annoying too."

He sees your expression and tries to think of something to make you smile.

" But he likes you! You're his favourite human!"

*Back to present*

You knew you shouldn't feel bad. if Raph felt that way about you, he wouldn't be so sweet. 

He wouldn't be checking up to make sure you're safe. He wouldn't call you his girl.

But you wondered still... if you were anything but human... would he be happier?

What if you were stronger, faster, bigger than him? 

You were silent, off in your thoughts, unaware that your bf had come in.

You felt something warm in your lap and saw Chompy snuggling and getting comfy.

The little purpley red space turtle chirped happily at you.

"Hey Chompy...Thanks.. I could use a little company."

You felt a small breeze and heard his voice and felt his warmth as he side hugged you, since Chompy was in your hold and he didn't want to disturb either of you, but he was still going to get his hug.

" How's my Mona Liza?"

You look down, hearing one of his many nicknames for you.  You'd ask what it meant when he called you any and he'd tell you it meant that you were his.

Raph wasn't so good with words but he can get his point across with the ones he did use.

That was one of the things you like about him.  He knew how to be smooth, but he never forced it. It did make you wonder how long it took him to learn to flirt since its not like any of the boys suddenly knew how one day.

The thought made you smile, a little bit.

"What's wrong? I can tell something's on your mind. Normally you're happier to see me."

Raph gently nudged you, trying to get you to let him in. He didn't want to force you. But he knew something was up and was here for you.

" Raph... Do you think I'm...boring? I mean... would you prefer to have a girlfriend who is as cool as you or cooler?"

You felt him shift, knowing he faced you fully.

"Ofcourse not! Who told you that?"

Raph held your hand, his eyes never leaving yours.

"I just... felt like...what if you wanted someone more exciting. Someone as strong as you..."

You try to hold back any tears. Its hard telling him this.

You didn't expect him to get up, scoop you up taking you three, since you held Chompy, to his room.

There, he put you on the bed to sit, then he smiled as he started to explain.

"You know why I call you Mona Liza? Why I love you? Because you're the most beautiful in my eyes.  Heck you're perfect. That's why..."

Your eyes widen as he reveals a picture of you smiling. A picture that could rival the painting.

Raph was an artist after all. You saw his Venus De Milo once. He had shown you the picture he had taken of it on the party wagon.   You noticed the little note near the bottom. 

It looked like he misspelt the Lisa part.

" Liza?"

You inquired curiously.

"Yeah.  Since you're my Mona and you're perfect, it needed something new. For you.."

Raph winks, earning a little giggle from you. You had no idea how happy he was hearing your laugh, making him celebrate mentally at his success.

" Y'n, I like your smile, your eyes, whether you have hair or not, human or not.

I didn't love you because of what you look like, or what you are. Yeah you're gorgeous, but I like how nice you are more.  You don't think I'm a mindless  hot head and you're fun to have around, play some videogames with. You treat us like we're just like you. You don't care about us being mutants and you have no idea what a relief it is to not be a freak. You don't need to be stronger to have my attention. Or be better at something than me..  I...I"

Raph looks at your knees, his hands holding yours, as he struggled to say the words.

You knew what he meant and leaned in, moving one hand to his shoulder, leaning in and kissing him.

He kissed back in return, mind at ease, relaxing.

It felt like everything else around you had stopped and it was only your world.

Only you two. When you both pull away to breathe, you hug him tightly, feeling more confident about his feelings for you. You cup his cheeks, looking into his green eyes.

"Thanks Raph. You're nothing like most people think. You're the best. 

 I love you."

Raph's eyes widened, hearing you say this. He straightens, looking like he's in a daze.

"You...you love me?"

He soon starts smiling brightly, his heart racing with joy.

" Ha! You hear that? She loves me!"

He says as if someone else was there to brag to.

You giggle seeing him so happy and kiss his cheek.

" You're so cute."

Raph leans in, your noses lightly touching.

"You're the cute one."

You have no more doubts, you know for sure he loves you as you are.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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Doing it, my style ( TMNT story, Raph x reader/ oc mix)Where stories live. Discover now