Battle stations and one more piece to the puzzle

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Above us, above the city, were Triceraton vessels, shooting down at the buildings and fleeing people.

"All units, to your stations! Go!"

Bishop ordered on his intercom, running towards a tank and leaving immediately to attack.

"No doubt theses are survivors from the last attack. Turtles!"

He calls back at the four.

"Take one of the Utrom space ships! We need some air fighters!"

I saw everyone take action and wanted to help, but as the turtles filed into the ship, Leo stopped me.

"There's only so much room and since you're bigger than any of us, plus your tail, you'll have to stay here. Besides, you probably don't know how to fight."

I frowned, though I understood Leo's reasons, he didn't have to be that blunt and the way he said it. Its like he thought I couldn't do anything to help and that made me feel angry. 

'Now I know first hand why Raph gets so mad at him.'

I think.

Before any further words, the ship took off, leaving me in the dust.

"I can't stay here doing nothing! I want to fight too!"

"I don't know if that's bravery or foolish talk, but we need all the help we can get and if you're willing, you can do some damage."

Sal Commander looks down at me.

"You haven't had any Salamandrian training, so this will have to suffice as a crash course. Follow my actions and mimick what you can. Don't be afraid to use your full strength, that's what we're supposed to do... Even if you have to take drastic measures."

He says clenching a fist, before suddenly slashing a box to shreads.

I stared wide eyed, both impressed and startled at how fast he moved.

Once I recovered, which didn't take long, I felt determined to learn and jump into action.

We charged outside and shot at the lower ships, trying to down them, while dodging laser beams.

I felt my heart racing, every time I moved in any direction and especially when leaping. It was like taking a javelin and  catapulting into the air to almost touch the sky, not literally obviously. This must be how the turtles feel, when jumping from rooftop, to rooftop.

Speaking of rooftops, we took to them in a few seconds flat, darting across them, attempting to get closer to any low flying ships and pounce on them.

I kept my eyes fixed on one in particular and felt like a cat, stalking its pretty, trying to stay out of sight, in the shadows if I could.

Sal Commander shot at a few more and watched them crash into each other.

Thankfully, April  and the Mutanimals, who joined in time, were there to make sure no people were crushed. 

The shooting and screaming must've alerted them, seeing as at the moment, it wasn't exactly night time, when they could come out easily, but of course, when danger comes, out come the defenders.

I crouched close to the floor stopping, as the ship turned and could've spotted me, had I not stopped to hide.

I felt my heart beat loud in my ears, as I swallowed, trying to help calm some of my rapid breathing and heart beats. I thought I could almost feel my blood running and getting hot.

Doing it, my style ( TMNT story, Raph x reader/ oc mix)Where stories live. Discover now