Resting up

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I laid curled up wherever, having small visions of turtle tots in my head.

I felt so relaxed and I almost didnt want to wake up, snuggling into my bed even more.

Too bad I couldn't stay like that, but someone had a different idea...


I hear a very familiar voice of a certain young, male turtle.

"Is she going to be okay?"

I hear another familiar friendly voice.

My eyes twitched, as I tried to open them, but I half did not want to, feeling the softness of the blankets and feeling that this was probably apart of the dream.

"Don't wake her, she's still recovering from that fall."

I heard a not so friendly, serious voice say. Sounded like Bishop, which mean, wait...

I try to move and feel a bit more.I push to get up and open my eyes. It felt as though I had an extra limb helping push and support my back, only lower than my back was where it was positioned.

Right when I had accomplished sitting up and now opening my eyes properly, like a newborn puppy, I could picture, the turtles, Bishop, April and Casey.

I stared confused. I'm still dreaming?!

Then I felt a pain in my chest and covered it with one hand.

I stared at the bluish blackish skin that was revealed. Wait, the armor... Was off!

I check frantically and breathe a sigh of relief, noticing it was only minor parts, like the arms and legs. Those pieces seemed less joined to the main suit.

'For a minute I thought something embarrassing happened.'

I think and rub my slightly throbbing chest. That's when I released I was flat, nothing else.

I guess that has its advantages, like had I been suitless and I wouldn't need those...-

"You're up, good. The treatment must be working."

I look over and see Bishop and Donnie walking over towards me, then the others shortly following. 

'Say something. '

I tell myself, searching for words.

"What...what happened?"

I managed to utter, though I did stutter and scolded myself for it.

"You and Commander Gaath'roka crash landed in the middle of the city and you're both in need of rest to recover after such a harsh fall, so try not to move too suddenly."

Bishop explained.

I nodded in response and looked over at the turtles.

They looked concerned, their eyes could almost stare right through me, with how steady and serious they looked.

My eyes fell on Raph's and immediately, I felt like looking away, feeling a bit giddy.

I felt a light breeze behind me and looked over. A tail, my tail... Or should I say Mona's tail?

This is a dream though and for some reason, I'm her, so this is my tail.

Nevertheless, I smiled, excited about having a tail to wag, always wondering what it was like.

"Anyways, we're just glad you're both okay."

Doing it, my style ( TMNT story, Raph x reader/ oc mix)Where stories live. Discover now