A little kindness goes a long way ( Ending. One shots after this)

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After Newtralizer was  given a chance to go about, ofcourse still watched, but more so by LH, who he was a little more at ease with, things seemed to be a little less bothersome.

Sure there was the odd burgler occasion, but with the turtles, Mutanimals, some of Bishop's soldiers, those who met them went scarce.

Speaking of Bishop, his satellites picked up traces of the old Fugitoid remains in space, sensing the light energy he emitted, since his head lit up.

It took some time to get him back together again, but once he was, the two seemed to enjoy chats about technology, science, which, when Donnie came over,  he'd gladly join in.

It was a funny sight to see them alright. Three smart guys under the same roof. 

Sometimes Raph said it was scary how they sometimes knew what the other meant before he could finish his sentence.

It felt good to know that the turtles could have some time to relax once in a while.

Of course, I did get chances to go between the Manhattan the turtles lived and my home more than  once, it felt like in a way, I had both worlds, all in one, since this was happening to me and I felt so happy to have a loving, cute boyfriend.

Sometimes I dreamt about seeing the turtles where I came from and the tv screen was more than a screen.  Those times fourth walls were broken in ths original show... It was like their eyes actually did stare right at me, not only look at the camera.

Then next thing I knew, I was in their world.... A lot like my other adventures, except this time, when I woke up, I was still where I went to sleep and didn't see different turtles.

I woke up one time and heard Raph calling my name.

"Y/N...Y/n... Wake up."


"You didn't forget our date, did you?"

He smiles down at me with that gorgeous smile of his and I get up, only to be greeted by a quick kiss.

I smiled and hugged him, then pull away briefly.

"I think I remember now."

He chuckles and gets up.

I rub my eyes and get ready to go.

Through the getting ready and going rooftop to rooftop, I thought about how far we had come...

From the time I woke up and was confused, getting to personally see my favourite turtles in action and actually talking to them, not talking to the tv like they can hear me and nothing happened... actually hear them reply and say my name... It felt great... 

Now here we are and its like a dream, but better.  I look up at the gleaming stars as we leapt.

Once we got to Murakami's, I thought we were going to have to wait, but...

"Follow me."

I look at Raph confused.

"but we're already here?"

"Trust me."

He smirks and takes the lead to what looks like a back door.

I was surprised.

"I didn't know there was a backdoor here."

I hear a chuckle from Raph and then saw him knocking.

"Mr. Murakami!"

It took a few minutes but the door opened and we saw the familiar gentle man who accepted the turtles even after knowing their identities, despite  not seeing them.

"Raphael... Right on time and with special company."

I smiled, feeling a bit nervous, happy and flattered. 

"Yeah, she's the one I told you about. She's very special to me."

Raph held my hand and I thought ai felt a chill go through me... In a good way.

"Come in come in. Don't worry about my other guests, I have a place you can sit comfortably without people making a scene."

We followed Murakami, quietly. I didn't know about Raph, but I'll guess that he knew what was happening and this was a surprise.

I looked around in curiosity, as the pathway went from cool and dark, to well lit, warm and ...

"Whoa... Are those ... Roses?"

I ask, already knowing the answer, but it still surprised me to see how many they were. Red ones, white ones and even pink...

"Wow... How did.."

Then I felt Raph guide me over to some chairs and sit next to  me.

"I had some help from my bros and Murakami was nice enough to let me use this room for us."

I covered my smile, feeling a bit overwhelmed with excitement and joy that they did all of this.

"You can kiss me now."

Raph says, looking proud of himself, which made me laugh.

I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, which he pouted at.

The smell of food came to us and we decided to eat now before anything else coming.

I thought about the flowers decorating the room in every corner, the whole private room we had to only us, no one else go worry about...

The way Raph smiled at me and how when he held my hand, the warmth I felt ...

The gyoza tasted a little sweeter now... Maybe it was because  of how happy I felt, or Mr. M added more flavours to his recipe.

Something blue caught the corner of my eye and when I turned there were more flowers... That looked like, what were they called? This flowers that grow on a mountain?

"These are for you too. Forget-me-nots."

Raph tells me, holding a bouquet of them out to me.

I was surprised, but glad ofcourse, as I accepted his loving gift.

"Raph, they're lovely, but... its, well I guess blue seems more like Leo and its different, but I like it. Its unexpected. Why though?"

Raph smiled wide and wrapped his arms around me as he said,

"Because I don't and won't ever want to forget you... My  Y/N."

I hug him, feeling so elated.

"I don't want to and I won't forget you either."

I grin feeling all fluttery in my heart, then 

I shower his face in kisses and could tell he was blushing, his cheeks felt so hot.

Then I gave him the kiss he wanted all along.

"Best date ever..."

(How was that last chapter half? Any input on any of the chapters you like most? I think this is a good spot for an ending, but stay tuned for some one shots.)

Doing it, my style ( TMNT story, Raph x reader/ oc mix)Where stories live. Discover now