Be still, my beating heart

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Everything was swirling around in black, all quiet, almost like when the stage lights go off, or when you're out in the dark of night. I turn back and forth subconsciously and slowly feel myself drifting off somewhere. I see colour and suddenly find myself in the lair..? It looked ...

Almost mysterious...and  had a slight superhero lair feel...not at all like being in the lair of the tmnt, but then again, every one of their different lairs was something you would not expect. 

In the first place, who expects anyone to be living in a place that sounds gross like the sewers?

Also expects it to feel as homey as a normal house on the surface.

I begin walking....and look around in silence... Almost gives me a sense of wonder...

It feels like I know I'm dreaming, because of this feeling of mystery, wrapped with peace coming over me. Somehow this lair reminded me of the movie lair, more so the 2014 and 2016 than the original 1st tmnt movie.

I hear talking... Then spot Mikey? He's the same colour, but...he looks more muscular and has white eyes... Wait... What? He's riding around on a skateboard, all around the room.

An orange kitten, who looks a lot like Klunk, Mikey's kitten is on the sofa, watching him run.

Then Raph comes to view, grunting and punching a dummy.

I hear slicing of swords and see a turtle shadow on the dojo wall. Must be Leo and Donnie... I couldn't see him, but then I spot that big greenish bluish door, to that secret underground place that they went to once.

It opens and Donnie walks out with Master Splinter. 

"I'm...I'm in the 2003 TMNT world now? Whoa..."

I try to keep my voice low and watch. They seem to not notice me and then everything switches to the turtles on the rooftops, wearing sporty gear.  

A scooter for Leo, roller skates for Raph, a skateboard for Mikey and a bicycle for Donnie.

Leo and Donnie were wearing full silver suits and their signature colour helmets to match their masks.

Raph and Mikey were wearing sports pants and shirtless, but wearing their signature colour helmets as well.

I tried not to squeal in excitement, seeing them wearing something different and watching them go.

If only I was right there too...

"Are you just going to stand there?"

I look around confused, even though, the voice sounded familiar...Sounded like Raph's...

Suddenly I saw his eyes staring sharply, but in a good way, at me.

"Guess I made you speechless. You like the look, don't ya?"

He winks with a smirk.

I blinked, feeling embarrassed, that I was staring and caught. 

So they can see me...

I  look at my hand and find that not only am I looking like myself, instead of a character design,

I'm wearing my (favourite colours and sports style of clothes) and a matching helmet.

How did I -? 

Maybe when there's no interest, I'll look like myself, or maybe this is right now and I'll change later.

I feel a cold breeze and then I'm off without warning.

Everything went by so fast... I felt like I couldn't control it and at the same time, I liked the rush of excitement, coursing through me...

Doing it, my style ( TMNT story, Raph x reader/ oc mix)Where stories live. Discover now