*Crazycanon (headcanon) and au one shot*

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(Here's the headcanon/fanon idea for Mona, to give her more detail than she received.

All of this is still an au, but not as related to the main story in this book.

The one shot after this starts with the Bonus* a semi long "short" about the - well, read it to find out! )

• Mona met the Salamandrians, after going into hiding, (being unlike the other people,) when they found her once, after the Kraang had captured one of their own, (Newtralizer).

As he was so elusive, especially after gaining teleportation abilities, it was hard to keep track of him, but in the midst of the search,

Sal Commander saw her, while scanning where last Newtralizer was seen and took her in, as she was alone, barely clothed and clearly had no home.

She looked similar enough to be a new recruit, or one of his own and over time, she adapted to their lifestyle and her appearance slowly changed.

She took on her alias "Y'ygthba", which they named her.

(It has a slight resemblance to "Y/N."

Almost as if it was "Y/n" plus more letters to sound like a name.)

Her clothing is mostly green, or blue, reflecting how she once had the same colour for her skin.

The brown or orange colouring after the big black pupil in her eyes (which could resemble her once 80s cartoon style black eyes) reflect the colour of her hair. The yellow "whites" of her eyes reflect the yellow underbelly she had.

•When Newtralizer gets caught, ( If following the alternate timing of season 5, as he somehow managed to avoid being exploded, last minute, because of his teleporting... If not following season 5, he's found in a base, the last Kraang had used before the turtles found them with Zog. After he smells the Kraang scent there, he takes over the place, making use of any remaining gadgets and looking at any unfinished plans.)

he'll be held captive for a while.

Mona would be wary of him, after the tales of his mischief, but might help try to rehabilitate him, like how Mikey had helped LeatherHead.

Mikey might unknowingly give her that idea, remembering how LeatherHead hated the Kraang, after learning what happened to K'Vathrak/Newtralizer.

•If Newtralizer chooses to give up being a menace, he and Mona could possibly bond.

(Especially since season 5 timing, as Newtralizer could still be out there, so is Mona, as she isn't around anymore and isn't dead.

If anyone ships Mona and Newtralizer, what's your ship name for them?)

Bonus random *

• Mona acted as she did in the series, because she followed script for script how the episode and her role were supposed to play out.

Director: *gives her, her lines*

"Say and do what is written here and nothing more."

M'ygthba: *read through the script, looks at the director*

"Is this all? I'm supposed to be in love like that? What about my story? Don't I do anything else on screen besides looking like a warrior?"

Director: "Nope. People want shipping, they already know your backstory from the old show, so why make a new detailed one, when we can hint it in the series?"

M'ygthba: "But there's not even much hinting to a backstory, or anything else for that matter.

I'm just there... With no explanation to why besides that everyone knows about me."

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