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- - chapter two - -when morning comes

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- - chapter two - -
when morning comes

Indigo Parker was only nineteen and owned her own shop, working with flowers had been her passion ever since she was a little girl and it had amounted into her dream of owning her own business. The town in Devon that she lived in was small, the kind of town where everyone knew everyone and no one could keep secrets. She had always wanted to move away from the town, it didn't hold great memories for her and she wanted to move to a place where no one knew who she was; somewhere that she could create her own image and not live in the shadow of her family. But moving away was expensive and she didn't have that kind of money, which is why she invested her savings into the shop; hoping that if she raised enough money then one day, she would be able to move away and be her own person.

The shop wasn't very big as she didn't have a lot of savings, but it did the job. There was the front room, used by the customers and held all of her flowers, ready to be separated and put into bouquets. The bay window was used for displays, where she showed off her handywork and changed the flowers every week; even using a certain theme if a holiday was coming up. The customers only came into the front room, paying at the counter and then leaving but if they wanted something specific then they could stay longer and Indigo would show them the process of the handling. The back room was small and she used it as her workspace. If there were any orders that she needed to get ready, then that was where she did it. The back room was where the stairs led up to her small flat and she was the only person who ever went back there.

Her flat was extremely small but she didn't mind, it wasn't very expensive and she didn't need much space when she was the only person living there. There was one main room which was the kitchen, with a counter that served as the table and a small living space; with one sofa that faced the television which she hardly ever used because she didn't have time to watch anything. Then there were two doors, one that led into a tiny bathroom which only had space for one person to stand in there and the other led to the bedroom, with only a double bed and a wardrobe stood inside. Any extra space in her flat was taken up by the one thing that she loved more than flowers, her slightly overweight ginger cat called Basil. Named after an herb which surprisingly is able to sprout flowers, a fact that Indigo learned from her extensive plant reading.

Another day in the shop and she opened on time, exactly nine o'clock. The shop was never full of people because there was never a large demand of flowers but there were regular customers who wanted something for their home décor or wanted a gift for a loved one. She knew almost everyone who stepped into the shop, in this town everyone knew everyone. As it wasn't too busy, she took the time to work on one of her orders in the back room and tried to perfect the look as she hadn't been happy with the way it originally worked out. The ringing of the bell above the door signalled that someone had come in, so she sighed and reminded herself to come back to the bouquet once she had seen to the customer. Wiping her hands on her green apron, she stepped out from the back room and stood behind the counter; slightly shocked when the person in the middle of her shop was someone that she had never seen before.

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