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- - chapter six - -thought i'd never change

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- - chapter six - -
thought i'd never change

Just as George had decided, he rushed over to the florist at exactly nine o'clock so that he could be the first customer inside when the doors opened. The florist was stood behind the counter, sipping on a cup of tea as she waited for someone to come inside and was more than surprised when she saw that the ginger-haired man was her first customer for the day. He didn't usually come in twice in one week and she hadn't been expecting to see him until the following Monday, one of the reasons why she hadn't bothered fixing her hair or makeup that morning. Because she was almost certain that she wouldn't see him but here he was, stood in the middle of the shop and looking slightly worried about what was going on. She didn't even have the chance to ask her usual question of what could she do to help him because he ran towards the counter, gasping for breath after running to the shop with no breaks. "I need another bouquet."

Narrowing her eyes at him, she wasn't going to let it slide that easily because she wanted to know what he had done to the beautiful one that she had spent so much time perfecting the day before. "What happened to the one I made you yesterday?"

"That's none of your business. I just need another one and fast."

"Well, I'm actually in the middle of something right now. If only there was a way to make me work faster?" Indigo tapped her chin, pretending to really think about what their solution could be and joked about being busy, because the only thing she was busy doing was finishing the tea that she had made herself that morning. "Maybe something like a name exchange?"

"Seriously?" He rolled his eyes, dropping a handful of coins onto the counter because as much as he loved their little games, he didn't have time for that kind of thing right now. "I'll pay you extra, just make me another bouquet."

"Fine, only because business is slow this week." Indigo sighed as she stood away from the counter and moved around the room, picking up the flowers that she needed for the bouquet and checking that she was doing what he wanted her to do. "The exact same flowers?"

"Yes. Exactly the same."

As she was working on making the stems all the same length so that they would fit in the bouquet, she noticed that her customer was more distracted than usual as his eyes flittered from his watch then to the window, as if something was going to come hurtling towards them if they took too long. "You keep checking your watch, do you have somewhere to be?"

"Work." He answered quickly, leaning down to check his watch again.

It was a big day for George because not only was it his first day going back to work but he was also re-opening the shop for the public. He had spent the rest of last evening going through the stock and making sure that they had enough of every product, then spent the night ordering the things they would need next week if the sales went well. Overall, he was very busy and that's why he was rushing now because if he was late to the opening then Ron would kill him; ever since he started dating Hermione, he had been more serious about being organised and planning ahead. Something that George hated and took no interest in, which was why on the morning of the opening of the shop, he was waiting for a bouquet of flowers to be made so that he wouldn't feel guilty about what had happened with Angelina.

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