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- - chapter fourteen - - the highest of highs

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- - chapter fourteen - -
the highest of highs

The evening had gone better than either of them had imagined and it felt as though Indigo had been a part of their family for years because she fit right in. During the clean-up of the table, she happily offered to help and chatted to Hermione as they washed the dishes at the sink; both of them glad to not rely on magic for the smallest of chores. Fleur also liked the idea that there was another girl to talk to and was very interested in her muggle life, as she hadn't met someone with no magical qualities before. George couldn't help but watch fondly as Molly gushed over his date, trying to stop her from helping because she was their guest but Indigo wanted to help and refused to stop. Arthur noticed how happy everyone was with the newest guest and sat at the top of the table, watching his family interact just as they had before the war. It felt normal and they hadn't felt that way in a long time. Even Harry and Ron seemed to like the company of the florist as they asked her a dozen questions about flowers, even though they had no interest in them; and Bill continued to make them blush with his inappropriate comments that earned him smacks from not only his mother but also his wife.

"What are your family like, Indie?" Hermione asked as she handed a wet plate to the girl, watching as she used the tea towel to wipe it dry.

"Not as welcoming as the Weasley's." She paused, trying to think of the best way to describe her family without being too pessimistic. "They're extremely busy which means we don't have a lot of time to be a family. My stepfather is the Mayor of Devon and my mum is always organising events for them to go to. I try to avoid those events as much as possible, but the only way I get through them is my stepbrother, James."

"I don't have any siblings, I always wondered what it would be like to grow up with a brother or a sister. I found out when I went to Hogwarts and met those two idiots." Hermione hesitated for a moment as she found herself looking towards George, who had become quieter now that dinner was finished. "George really struggled when Fred died, losing a twin is like losing your other half, I can't imagine what it felt like. But you've really helped him."


"Of course, it was only after he met you that he started smiling again. He opened the shop after meeting you and now he's cracking jokes with everyone, coming to these dinners and even offered you Fred's chair for dinner. You're helping more than you think."

Indigo was shocked to hear how much things had changed since she first met George. On their first encounter she had been hoping to never see the disrespectful man again, but things changed and she found herself caring for this man. Now that they had known each other for months, they had shared secrets that they had never told anyone else and she had made her feelings clear to him. In the back of her mind, she was reminded that he hadn't reciprocated those feelings to her face but he found it harder to be honest with things like that. After all, he was the one who had told his family they were dating; that must count for something and he just needs more time to come to term with the feelings that he had for her. Something that Indigo was prepared to do, she would wait forever for George and would never complain. There was something about him that she never wanted to lose and for that reason, she knew that whether he liked it or not, he was going to be a part of her life and she couldn't wait for what lay ahead. Especially if it meant that she could continue coming to the Weasley dinners because she had never felt so warm and comfortable in her life.

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