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- - chapter thirteen - - you shine

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- - chapter thirteen - -
you shine

Dinner with the Weasley family was something that Indigo had been worried about ever since she had agreed to go. She had no idea what to expect and the fear of the unknown was her biggest fear because she had no way of preparing herself for what was about to happen. George hadn't been much help in that department, whenever he was around her, he seemed calm and reserved, as if he had no worries at all. Of course, this was just a front that he put on most of the time but he was glad that his confidence could be perceived as calmness; because he didn't want anyone to think that he stressed out about anything. In reality, he had a lot of things to stress about as he was constantly worrying about his shop, now that they had reopened, he needed to keep things consistent to keep a good profit and would need to think about new staff members because he couldn't rely on his brother forever. He was stressed about the future, before the war, everything had been planned out and he was happy with the future that he imagined with Fred but now that had changed and he had no idea what was going to happen.

Not knowing what was going to happen scared both of them, but in different ways. Indigo was more worried about things happening right now, like the dinner that she was attending that night; she was worried about how to do her hair and what outfit to wear. Whereas George was more worried about long-term issues, like how his future was going to look and whether he would still be running the shop in five years. He had no idea what was going to happen and in the wizarding world everything happens unexpectedly. All he knew was that he had a very pretty girl to pick up for dinner and he was extremely lucky to know this pretty girl, who had admitted she had feelings for him. George hadn't acknowledged what she had admitted, not knowing if he felt the same way but knowing that he definitely felt something and it was something that he had never felt before. He wasn't sure what the feeling was but he liked it, and he liked what he felt when he was around her. Which was why he was so excited about spending the evening with her, hoping that she would like his family as much as they liked her.

Indigo was freaking out. She was pacing back and forth in her bedroom, clothes strewn all over the room as she tried to pick something that would look good for these strangers that she was hoping to impress. But it was hard to impress when you knew hardly anything about the people you were meeting. She knew that they were a wizarding family but she didn't know what wizarding people wore, apart from what she had seen George wear but she didn't own any brightly coloured suits. Eventually she decided to put on a yellow sundress that she had never worn before because she had never had a reason to wear it until today, deciding to keep her hair as natural as possible because otherwise it would frizz everywhere and get in the way. She grabbed the flowers that she had put into a bouquet off the dresser and stepped out of the bedroom; almost having a heart attack when she saw a shadowy figure next to the window.

"Oh my God, George!" She shrieked, her hand covering her chest as she tried to get her breath back. "You gave me a heart attack!"

George continued stroking the cat behind his ears, where Basil had been sleeping on the windowsill. "I was just saying hello to...woah..." His jaw dropped when he saw the beautiful girl stood in front of him, who blushed when she saw his reaction to what she was wearing.

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