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- - chapter seventeen - - wouldn't miss a chance

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- - chapter seventeen - -
wouldn't miss a chance

Plans were being made straight away for the friends to work together and learn about each other's backgrounds. George was teaching Indigo about magic, so that she could understand conversations when she visited the Burrow and could be involved with debates without feeling too much of an outsider. Then to return the favour, Indigo was teaching George things about the muggle world which would help him when they attended the gala because it would stop him from accidently saying something about magic or being suspicious when he didn't understand what the other guests were talking about. however, telling George about the muggle world wasn't that simple and Indigo knew that there were specific topics that they needed to focus on and that was why she forced him to meet her on the weekend so that they could go on their own little adventure. He had no idea where they were going and was half asleep when he apparated into the lounge of the flat, rubbing his tired eyes and yawning until she handed him a mug of tea so that they could get going.

They walked up the stone path where a small cottage was stood at the end. There was a thatched roof and the windows were small with stained glass patterns in some of them, and there was moss growing up the sides of the stone. George thought the cottage looked pretty, cosy but he didn't understand what they were doing there. He couldn't imagine that this was where Indigo's family lived because every time she talked about them, it seemed as though their home was a lot bigger. But she never really mentioned anyone else and so, he wondered who they could be visiting in this little cottage in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't too far from the town centre where the florist shop stood but it was still quite a walk and he was even more tired when they stood on the doorstep. Indigo raised her fist and knocked loudly on the pale green door, waiting for someone to open it because she didn't really want to let them inside.

"Remind me again, why we're here?" He asked, looking around to see if anything seemed interesting but the entire plot of land seemed deserted and he couldn't piece together why they had arrived.

"My grandma knows more about the gala than anyone else, except, maybe my mother but there's no way that I'm going to her for help." She explained, knocking the door again when there was no answer and she didn't even look up to see George's reaction.

He was more than nervous about meeting her grandmother, it had become apparent that Polly Parker didn't like him or his family and he had messed up with James, after thinking he was her secret boyfriend; so, this was the first member of Indigo's family that he was meeting that he could actually charm. George had never been so nervous to meet someone before and was trying to subtly check his breath without catching her attention. She had never mentioned her grandmother before, apart from telling them that she was named after her but that was it. He had no idea whether she was someone that would take a chance on him or not, but he was going to do his best to make her like him otherwise there would be no one in the Parker family that liked him. After waiting again for someone to answer the door, Indigo gave up, moving a stone from the ground and taking the spare key that was hidden underneath; she unlocked the door and stepped inside. George felt strange about walking into someone's house without them knowing but followed her because he didn't want to be left outside.

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