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- - chapter eight - -i was the first to fall

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- - chapter eight - -
i was the first to fall

For the entire week, George found time to walk past the florist and look through the window, attempting to be as sneaky as possible but the regular customers noticed his interest and wondered what had caught his attention. He was desperate to see Indigo, not only did he have to invite her to the dinner that his family held every week but he also wanted to see her. He didn't understand what was happening to him, never had he felt this way about anyone and even though he didn't understand his feelings, he knew that he needed to see her. When it got to the end of the week and she still hadn't returned, just as the other guy had told him, he had to tell his family that she was extremely busy and couldn't make it. Molly was disappointed that she was unable to come but made George promise to invite her for the next week, as she was still desperate to meet his 'girlfriend,' she wanted to know every little detail about the girl that had managed to make George happy again.

When Monday rolled around, a part of George was worried that Indigo would never return and she had just abandoned the shop; right when they were starting to open up to each other. He tried to convince himself that that was stupid and there was no way that she would give up her passion without telling him; but then again, they weren't really friends so if she did then she wouldn't have to answer to him. He took a deep breath as he approached the shop, ignoring the looks from the other townspeople as they recognised the ginger-haired man but still had no idea who he was or what he was doing here. All they knew was that whenever they saw him, he had one purpose and it had to do with the florist. Carefully, he looked through the window and was happy to see a new display had been arranged that looked even better than the one before; something that the random employee wouldn't have been able to achieve. His eyes scanned the shop and he sighed in relief when he spotted Indigo explaining something animatedly to a customer.

Stepping inside the shop, he realised how much he had missed the sound of the bell ringing and the smile on Indigo's face when she knew another customer was coming in to see her creations. Right now, she was busy, and George couldn't help but admire her as she worked. Instead of the focused expression that she wore when creating the bouquets, she looked approachable and friendly, welcoming the customer into her shop and offering as much help as possible. It was the same expression that he wore when he worked in his own shop and it also reminded him of the comforting nature that his mum had. It sounded weird to compare the girl he was crushing on with his own mother but it also made sense, he was drawn to something familiar and warm, someone that shared the same traits as the woman who had raised him. Although, Indigo was much more sarcastic than anyone that he had ever met before; and liked that she had a fiery side because it made things more interesting.

When the customer finished up the order, they left the shop and Indigo moved behind the counter, quickly writing down whatever they had asked for before it slipped her memory. She didn't even notice George being in the shop until a dark shadow loomed over her; if it had been anyone else then she would have been worried but she was excited to see him after a week not being in work and wondered if he had missed her in the way that she had missed him. Last week she had been shipped off on a trip with her mother which may sound relaxing to some people, but it was anything but. The whole week had been spent with a bunch of rich unemployed women who bought things using their husband's credit cards and laughing about how poor other people were. Indigo had tried to escape the trip and even tried to hide in the hotel room but her mother forced her to join in, sipping on Martini's and ordering the staff around like they were slaves. She hated taking a week off from work, it was her passion but she couldn't help but also miss George whilst she was away; wishing that she had been able to talk to him before she left but the trip was so last minute that she had no way of contacting him. "You weren't here last week."

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