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- - chapter three - -led me right to you

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- - chapter three - -
led me right to you

Work continued as normal for the rest of the week, Indigo took some time off in the evening but instead of spending time in her flat relaxing, she took the time to catch-up on orders and make sure that everything was in place for the rest of the week. She wasn't the kind of person that could just sit at home when there were hundreds of things that she needed to get done; not only was she catching up on the orders that she had taken but she was also using her hobby as an outlet, so she wouldn't think about the handsome but rude man that she had served. A part of her wanted him to come back so that she could find out more about him, wondering if he could tell her things about the wizarding world that she had always wanted to know; but the other part of her knew that it was a bad idea and the stranger didn't seem very friendly, he was rude and she didn't want rude customers coming back to her shop.

George on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about her. He didn't know why because he was desperate to not have her on his mind, but for some reason every time he closed his eyes; all he could picture was her face. She was the first person in a long time that hadn't recognised him. Being a part of the Order of the Phoenix and saving everyone from the Dark Lord was fun, and he loved the fact that he had been able to prove that good defeats evil but he hated getting recognised. Partly because his twin wasn't by his side, if Fred had been with him then they could have had fun with their newfound fame but instead, he hated it. The people that recognised him, knew he was the twin that had lost his brother and they pity him. This random florist was the first person to not look pitied for him, sure, he had assumed she was a muggle and knew no different but when she talked about galleons, he was shocked. She knew about the wizarding world and yet she treated him like any other customer, not even raising her voice when he became irritated. She was something different and he couldn't stop thinking about her.

For the first time in a long time, he ended up going to the Burrow. He hadn't been there since the funeral because the place brought back too many memories, made him think about his childhood and about how different things were without Fred. But he had a reason for going there, he needed to speak to his Mum before she started her errands for the day and it was crucial that he found out whatever he could about this girl without making anyone suspicious. When he arrived, it was quiet, it was always quiet at the Burrow seeing as most of the children had moved out and the home only provided for his parents and Ginny, when she wasn't hanging out with Harry. He gave his parents a surprise when he opened the door, they were both sat at the table, sipping on tea and jumped when they saw him emerge.

"George?" Molly jumped out of her seat and rushed over to greet him, a smile spreading over her face when she realised that this was the first time, he had visited them. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just wondering if you had any errands to do?" He replied, scratching the back of his neck and hoping that they wouldn't ask too many questions about his sudden interest in helping out with something as mundane as the errands.

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