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- - chapter twenty two - - you came and topped them all

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- - chapter twenty two - -
you came and topped them all

After being reminded of how important the gala was, Indigo decided that it was important for them to get their outfits ready as soon as possible so that she didn't risk allowing her mother to buy her a dress. She knew that if Polly had the chance to buy her something then it wouldn't flatter her at all and would be a horrible colour. She wanted to purchase her own dress but wasn't great at knowing what looked good, that was why she was bringing George along because he would be honest with her about how she looked. At least that was what she hoped. In reality, George had been prepped by his mother and his sister over what to say; they had both told him to compliment her as much as possible and let her know that she was beautiful no matter what dress she wore. He was confused as to why he couldn't actually judge the dresses but decided not to argue with them because it caused more problems if he argued with them. He didn't understand the problem with picking a dress, he wore different suits every day and didn't think about what he was wearing but for some reason, Indigo was really nervous about picking a dress.

They went to a muggle shop, one that had been recommended to her because the dresses were a good quality but weren't too expensive. The saleswoman led them over to the back of the shop where the dressing rooms were and George made himself comfortable on one of the chairs that sat in front of the curtain. Indigo picked a few dresses off the shelves and took them behind the curtain, getting undressed and slipping them on so that she could show her boyfriend and get his opinion. Her heart was racing as she slipped on the first dress, it was dark blue and rested above her knees. She liked the design because it was simple and it looked nice on her figure; slowly, her shaking fingers pulled back the curtain and she stepped out to see George's reaction. "What about this one?"

"Brilliant!" He gave her a thumbs up, thinking that if he complimented her then the work would be done and they could leave with a dress that looked good on her. He didn't realise that you don't just try on one dress and then leave, you have to have some options. "Job done!"

"No, you have to take this seriously George." She pouted, narrowing her eyes at him and then checking her reflection in the mirror. As soon as she saw herself, her eyes went wide and she wanted to get the dress off as soon as possible. "I don't like it, it's boring. I feel like my mother."

"Then that's a definite no. It's boring and I hate it.

"How about this?" She stepped out in a black dress which was very low cut which she hadn't realised and turned to see what George thought.

"Gorgeous, that is the dress."

"No!" She squealed when seeing her breasts in the mirror and knowing that she would never be allowed into a charity event if she wore something like that. She couldn't believe that he had thought it was the one when it was very inappropriate. "Way too busty."

George waited until she came out in another dress that didn't even show her chest, completely covering most of her neck and he frowned. That was not the kind of dress that he wanted her to wear but he couldn't act like he hated it, he just pulled a face when she wasn't looking and tried not to sound disgusted. "That one isn't bad."

"The heels make me look like a prostitute."

"Then wear other shoes." He replied, thinking that it was an obvious decision to make and not understanding why women struggled so much when getting dressed for an occasion because there were very easy ways to get around these problems.

"But then I have short legs."

"Alright, do you want to look like a prostitute or a dwarf?" He offered her the best advice that he could think of, thinking back to his years in Hogwarts when he had studied dwarves and knew how horrible they really looked. He knew that his girlfriend wouldn't want to be compared to something like that and tried to light-heartedly make a joke about the situation that she had placed herself in. "I've seen dwarves and let me tell you, I'd know which one I'd want to be..."

"Warning. That's your first warning." She pointed her finger at him, warning that he couldn't say something like that again and George just laughed at her reaction.

She came out of the dressing room wearing a floral dress and George cheered at her, misreading the situation. "Yes!"

"No!" She shouted back, not even looking in the mirror because she knew that she hated the dress that she was wearing and there was no way that she was leaving the house in something that old-fashioned. This was a dress for a charity gala, the last one that she would ever have to attend but if she wanted the deal to continue then she needed to play by the rules and for that, she needed to find a beautiful dress to wear. Her fingers hovered over the hanger for the last dress and her nerves spiked up. This was an adventurous dress; it was satin fabric and a striking red colour but she wasn't sure whether it would suit her or not. She slipped it on and prayed that George would be honest with her when she wore it because she didn't know whether she could pull off something like this.

"So, uh, how long does this thing usually take? Only because I thought we could grab something to eat but everywhere will be closed if we don't...woah..." George stopped talking when he spotted Indigo coming out from behind the curtain and his jaw literally dropped to the floor when he saw how beautiful she looked. The other dresses had been nice but this one was something else and he couldn't explain how he was feeling when he saw her. The dress hugged her curves, leaving some of her chest on show but not too much to be considered inappropriate. She seemed nervous as she toyed with her hands, waiting for him to say something but he was just locked on her; not thinking about anything else. "What do you think?"

"You look..."

"I look stupid, don't I?" she interrupted him and frowned, checking herself in the mirror and shaking her head, hating that she had even picked the dress to try it on. "I should have known this was too good to be true-"

"Stupid? What? No!" He jumped out of his seat and ran to her, stopping her before she could go back behind the curtain, he grabbed her hands and looked deep into her eyes. "Indie, you look beautiful. Like something off the red carpet...beautiful."

She couldn't help but smile at his reaction because she knew that he was being honest with her for the first time that day, her eyes glistening as she looked up at him. "Really?"

"Really, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." George smiled at her, leaning down to capture his lips with hers; happier than ever because they had finally found the perfect dress for the occasion and that meant that he could grab something to eat.

a/n: things are so messy rn 🥴 the college i work at, had to be closed because of covid & all the staff had to take more tests but mine has come back inconclusive twice 😢 that's never happened before! which means we can't leave the house & it's my sisters birthday tomorrow 🥺 -lizzie ⭐️

date published: 19/09/21

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